New Feature
Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
2020-1, 2020-2, 2020-3, 2020-4, 2020-5
Customer request:
If the OS flushes /tmp on reboot, Have the installer setup the proper tempfiles.d so the directory gets created when the system starts, to ensure the functions that use /tmp/<blah> will work when ColumnStore tries to use them.
An alternate method of having ColumnStore create the dir if it does not exist may not be sufficient as privileges must be granted for programs to be run by other than root.
Also add to docs that if running programs as other than root, one may need to add an entry to /etc/tempfiles.d/ to get the directory created with proper permissions for that user to successfully execute colxml, cpimport, etc..
Since you do not know what user a customer may run such programs as, this will likely continue to be a problem in the future.
Would not startup code need root access to create the tmp dir on some machines?