Uploaded image for project: 'MariaDB ColumnStore'
  1. MariaDB ColumnStore
  2. MCOL-135

Can not create stored procedures in ColumnStore




      {{delimiter ;;
      create database if not exists shard_query;;
      use shard_query;;
      drop procedure if exists sq_helper;;
      drop procedure if exists sq_throw;;
      create procedure sq_throw(v_err text)
      signal sqlstate '45000' set
      class_origin = 'Fastbit_UDF',
      subclass_origin = 'Fastbit_UDF',
      mysql_errno = 45000,
      message_text = v_err;
      create procedure sq_helper(v_sql longtext, v_remote_schema varchar(64), v_into_schema varchar(64), v_into_table varchar(64), v_return_result tinyint, v_drop_table tinyint)
      – query to send to SQ formatted as JSON
      declare v_args longtext;

      – JSON returned from SQ
      declare v_json longtext;

      – where to put the rows after decoding the JSON
      declare v_table text;

      – JSON string extracted from v_json which represents list of columns
      – in the resultset from SQ
      declare v_columns text;

      – the VALUES clause for the insert into v_table
      declare v_values text;

      – used for finding parts of the JSON
      declare v_pos int;
      declare v_pos2 int;

      – use the SQL default schema if no schema provided
      – this is the only parameter that may be NULL and
      – since this makes it not null, it will pass the
      – check below
      if v_remote_schema IS NULL
      set v_remote_schema := '';
      end if;

      – check args
      set v_table := concat('`',v_into_schema,'`.`',v_into_table,'`');
      if v_sql is null or v_table is null or v_remote_schema is null or v_into_schema is null or v_into_table is null or v_return_result is null or v_drop_table is null
      call sq_throw('All arguments are NOT NULL');
      end if;

      set v_args := concat('

      {"sql":"', v_sql, '","schema_name":"',v_remote_schema,'"}


      set v_json := gman_do('shard_query_worker', v_args);

      – Extract the JSON arrays from the document
      set v_pos := locate("[", v_json);
      set v_pos2 := locate("]", v_json);
      set v_columns := substr(v_json, v_pos+1, v_pos2-v_pos-1);

      – clean up column list
      set v_columns := replace(v_columns, '
      "', '"');

      – extract rows
      set v_pos := locate('[[',v_json);
      set v_pos2 := locate(']]',v_json, v_pos+2);

      – the column json has a very simple structure. The easiest thing to do is simply
      – get rid of the extra JSON with REPLACE() and generate the CREATE TABLE with
      – the column names that remain
      set @create := concat('create table temporary',v_table, '(', replace(replace(replace(v_columns, '


      ',''),',',' text,'),' text)');

      – generate the INSERT statement
      set @insert:= concat('insert into ', v_table, ' values ', replace( replace( replace( replace( replace( substr(v_json,v_pos+1,v_pos2-v_pos),'\\','[') ,'\\",\\"','","') ,'\\"]','"') ,'[' ,'(') ,']',')'));

      if(@sqdebug is not null) then
      select @create, @insert;
      end if;
      prepare stmt from @create;
      execute stmt;
      deallocate prepare stmt;

      prepare stmt from @insert;
      execute stmt;
      deallocate prepare stmt;

      if v_return_result != 0 then
      set @sql := concat("select * from ", v_table);
      prepare stmt from @sql;
      execute stmt;
      deallocate prepare stmt;
      end if;

      if v_drop_table != 0 then
      set @sql := concat('drop table ', v_table);
      prepare stmt from @sql;
      execute stmt;
      deallocate prepare stmt;
      end if;


      delimiter ;}}

      ERROR 1303 (2F003): Can't create a PROCEDURE from within another stored routine




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