Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
MCS run on VMs, Multi Server ColumnStore System UM1-PM1 ;guest OS RHEL 7.4
2018-17, 2018-18, 2018-19, 2018-20, 2018-21
assertion 'fColumn.get() && fSub && fFunc' failed , caused lost connection to MySQL server during query and crash of mysql
crash occurred during the execution of query41 done with small modification –
attached original query and modified query
attached also the stack trace in the um1.xentio.lan.err file
how to repeat :
loaded tpc-ds shema and 1TB tpc-ds data
MariaDB [tpcds_1000]> select distinct(i_product_name)
-> from item
-> where i_manufact_id between 742 and 742+40
-> and
-> (select count(*) as item_cnt
-> from item
-> where (i_manufact = i_manufact and
-> ((i_category = 'Women' and
-> (i_color = 'orchid' or i_color = 'papaya') and
-> (i_units = 'Pound' or i_units = 'Lb') and
-> (i_size = 'petite' or i_size = 'medium')
-> ) or
-> (i_category = 'Women' and
-> (i_color = 'burlywood' or i_color = 'navy') and
-> (i_units = 'Bundle' or i_units = 'Each') and
-> (i_size = 'N/A' or i_size = 'extra large')
-> ) or
-> (i_category = 'Men' and
-> (i_color = 'bisque' or i_color = 'azure') and
-> (i_units = 'N/A' or i_units = 'Tsp') and
-> (i_size = 'small' or i_size = 'large')
-> ) or
-> (i_category = 'Men' and
-> (i_color = 'chocolate' or i_color = 'cornflower') and
-> (i_units = 'Bunch' or i_units = 'Gross') and
-> (i_size = 'petite' or i_size = 'medium')
-> ))) or
-> (i_manufact = i_manufact and
-> ((i_category = 'Women' and
-> (i_color = 'salmon' or i_color = 'midnight') and
-> (i_units = 'Oz' or i_units = 'Box') and
-> (i_size = 'petite' or i_size = 'medium')
-> ) or
-> (i_category = 'Women' and
-> (i_color = 'snow' or i_color = 'steel') and
-> (i_units = 'Carton' or i_units = 'Tbl') and
-> (i_size = 'N/A' or i_size = 'extra large')
-> ) or
-> (i_category = 'Men' and
-> (i_color = 'purple' or i_color = 'gainsboro') and
-> (i_units = 'Dram' or i_units = 'Unknown') and
-> (i_size = 'small' or i_size = 'large')
-> ) or
-> (i_category = 'Men' and
-> (i_color = 'metallic' or i_color = 'forest') and
-> (i_units = 'Gram' or i_units = 'Ounce') and
-> (i_size = 'petite' or i_size = 'medium')
-> )))) > 0
-> order by i_product_name
-> limit 100;
ERROR 2013 (HY000): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
mariadb columnstore err.log :
Feb 1 13:21:33 um1 Calpont[1289]: 33.974480 |0|0|0| E 00 CAL0000: /home/builder/mariadb-columnstore-server/mariadb-columnstore-engine/dbcon/mysql/ha_scalar_sub.cpp@203: assertion 'fColumn.get() && fSub && fFunc' failed
Issue Links
- causes
MCOL-1722 Regression in semi_join
- Closed
Can you please send us the schema for the item table?