Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
MacOS 11.1
Xcode 12.3
When building for homebrew:
-- Found ODBC Driver Manager libraries: /usr/local/Cellar/unixodbc/2.3.9/lib
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:263 (MESSAGE):
iconv was not found
This is probably related to MacOS 11's weird way of handling system libraries. Basically the standard libraries like /usr/lib/libiconv.dylib are no longer present on the filesystem but you can link to them.
Most likely you just need to import a newer version of FindIconv.cmake since I'm pretty sure cmake itself can find the package no problem. You seem to have a "frozen in amber" copy of that file.
As a workaround to get homebrew building I am doing this:
@ Formula/mariadb-connector-odbc.rb:26 @ class MariadbConnectorOdbc < Formula
# Workaround 3.1.11 issues finding system's built-in -liconv
"-DICONV_LIBRARIES=" + MacOS.sdk_path + "/usr/lib/libiconv.tbd",
The ".tbd" files are the linker information for that library. You don't need to pass that to the compiler (just "-liconv" will do) but I needed to find some filename to pass in as the library location so that FindIconv.cmake would be satisfied that it "found" it