The behavior of ssl_version has historically always meant the exact TLS version that must be used. In MaxScale 23.08.4 (MXS-4862), the interpretation of the parameter was changed to mean the minimum required version. This was done to make it possible to define a minimum TLS version that all clients must use (e.g. TLSv1.2 or newer).
The behavior of tls_version in MariaDB is different. It accepts a list of values that can be used to implement the same behavior that it has in MaxScale but it does have one key difference: with tls_version, it's possible to restrict to an exact set of protocol versions (e.g. TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.3 but not TLSv1.2). As to why anyone would want to do this remains a mystery but this is still an inconsistency between MaxScale and MariaDB.