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  1. MariaDB MaxScale
  2. MXS-4688

Xpand unable to authenticate native users with maxscale passthrough



      With the authentication plugin set to clearpw_passthrouh, ldap users passed
      through by maxscale are getting authenticated by xpand. But native xpand users
      are not able to.

      maxscale listner config:

      client connection via maxscale
      [root@mcrae ~]# mysql --ssl -h mcrae -P 3307 -u xpanduser1 -ppassword
      ERROR 1045 (HY000): [40960] Access denied: for user 'xpanduser1'@''
      (using password: NO)

      maxscale log:
      2023-07-31 11:00:37 info : (3) [MariaDBProtocol] Client from '' is in progress of connecting to service 'Read-Only-Service' with SSL.
      2023-07-31 11:00:37 info : (3) [MariaDBProtocol] Connection attributes: no attributes
      2023-07-31 11:00:37 info : (3) [readconnroute] (Read-Only-Service); New session for server xpand1. Connections : 1
      2023-07-31 11:00:37 info : (3) Started Read-Only-Service client session [3] for 'xpanduser1' from
      2023-07-31 11:00:37 info : (3) Connected to 'xpand1' with thread id 318466
      2023-07-31 11:00:37 error : (3) Authentication to 'xpand1' failed: 1045, #HY000: [40960] Access denied: for user 'xpanduser1'@'' (using password: NO)
      2023-07-31 11:00:37 error : (3) (Read-Only-Service); Authentication to 'xpand1' failed: 1045, #HY000: [40960] Access denied: for user 'xpanduser1'@'' (using password: NO) (xpand1)
      2023-07-31 11:00:37 info : (3) Stopped Read-Only-Service client session [3]
      2023-07-31 11:00:37 info : Read 7 user@host entries from 'xpand1' for service 'Read-Only-Service'. The data was identical to existing user data.

      Xpand log:
      2023-07-31 11:00:37.900626 UTC nid 2 oak012white.colo.sproutsys.com clxnode: INFO mysql/server/mysql_proto.c:180 auth_error(): Error authenticating Xpand user 'xpanduser1'@'': Access denied: for user 'xpanduser1'@'' (using password: NO)

      With the above authentication settings we should allow both ldap and
      native xpand users.



          damansaini Daman Saini (Inactive) added a comment - - edited

          New build was provided by esa.korhonen

          A new test build is available: https://mdbe-ci-repo.mariadb.net/public/Maxscale/MXS-4506_0208/
          The new build uses standard authentication, you need to remove
          authenticator=pam from the listener.
          And have the following setting:

          Per QA susil.behera fix is working now
          With the above build and settings, now both ldap and xpand users can successfully passthrough maxscale unto xpand.
          Xpand build used was "Xpand-transylvania-18728"

          damansaini Daman Saini (Inactive) added a comment - - edited New build was provided by esa.korhonen A new test build is available: https://mdbe-ci-repo.mariadb.net/public/Maxscale/MXS-4506_0208/ The new build uses standard authentication, you need to remove authenticator=pam from the listener. And have the following setting: authenticator_options=passthrough=true Per QA susil.behera fix is working now With the above build and settings, now both ldap and xpand users can successfully passthrough maxscale unto xpand. Xpand build used was "Xpand-transylvania-18728"
          esa.korhonen Esa Korhonen added a comment -

          Fixed as part of MXS-4506

          esa.korhonen Esa Korhonen added a comment - Fixed as part of MXS-4506

          In final build of 23.08.0 , Listener parameter for LDAP passthrough is changed to


          damansaini Daman Saini (Inactive) added a comment - In final build of 23.08.0 , Listener parameter for LDAP passthrough is changed to authenticator_options=clear_pw_passthrough= true


            esa.korhonen Esa Korhonen
            damansaini Daman Saini (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue



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