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  1. MariaDB MaxScale
  2. MXS-4641

GUI Executable Backup & Replica Rebuild


    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 25.08.0
    • maxgui
    • None


      MXS-2542 Needs to be executable from the MaxScale GUI.
      All the prerequisite checks should be easy to navigate from the GUI as well.
      Including setting up the SSH user and keyfile.



          kathrynsizemore Kathryn Sizemore created issue -
          johan.wikman Johan Wikman made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Assignee Todd Stoffel [ toddstoffel ]
          toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
          Rank Ranked higher
          toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
          Rank Ranked higher
          toddstoffel Todd Stoffel (Inactive) made changes -
          Fix Version/s Icebox [ 22648 ]
          julien.fritsch Julien Fritsch made changes -
          Assignee Todd Stoffel [ toddstoffel ] Joe Cotellese [ JIRAUSER54006 ]
          maxmether Max Mether made changes -
          Assignee Joe Cotellese [ JIRAUSER54006 ] Duong Thien Ly [ JIRAUSER40848 ]
          maxmether Max Mether made changes -
          Fix Version/s 25.08 [ 29918 ]
          Fix Version/s Icebox [ 22648 ]
          johan.wikman Johan Wikman made changes -
          Rank Ranked higher
          johan.wikman Johan Wikman made changes -
          Epic Link MXS-5324 [ 131045 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Sprint MXS-SPRINT-225 [ 779 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Rank Ranked higher
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          johan.wikman Johan Wikman made changes -
          Sprint MXS-SPRINT-225 [ 779 ] MXS-SPRINT-225, MXS-SPRINT-226 [ 779, 780 ]
          johan.wikman Johan Wikman made changes -
          Sprint MXS-SPRINT-225, MXS-SPRINT-226 [ 779, 780 ] MXS-SPRINT-225, MXS-SPRINT-226, MXS-SPRINT-227 [ 779, 780, 782 ]
          johan.wikman Johan Wikman made changes -
          Sprint MXS-SPRINT-225, MXS-SPRINT-226, MXS-SPRINT-227 [ 779, 780, 782 ] MXS-SPRINT-225, MXS-SPRINT-226, MXS-SPRINT-227, MXS-SPRINT-228 [ 779, 780, 782, 785 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] Needs Feedback [ 10501 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Fix Version/s N/A [ 22001 ]
          Fix Version/s 25.08 [ 29918 ]
          Resolution Incomplete [ 4 ]
          Status Needs Feedback [ 10501 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Resolution Incomplete [ 4 ]
          Status Closed [ 6 ] Stalled [ 10000 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Status Stalled [ 10000 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          johan.wikman Johan Wikman made changes -
          Sprint MXS-SPRINT-225, MXS-SPRINT-226, MXS-SPRINT-227, MXS-SPRINT-228 [ 779, 780, 782, 785 ] MXS-SPRINT-225, MXS-SPRINT-226, MXS-SPRINT-227, MXS-SPRINT-228, MXS-SPRINT-229 [ 779, 780, 782, 785, 787 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] Stalled [ 10000 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Status Stalled [ 10000 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] In Review [ 10002 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Component/s maxgui [ 16101 ]
          Fix Version/s 25.08.0 [ 29929 ]
          Fix Version/s N/A [ 22001 ]
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status In Review [ 10002 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status Closed [ 6 ] Stalled [ 10000 ]
          thien.ly Thien Ly made changes -
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status Stalled [ 10000 ] Closed [ 6 ]


            thien.ly Thien Ly
            kathrynsizemore Kathryn Sizemore
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue



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