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  1. MariaDB MaxScale
  2. MXS-4549

Replay queries with partially returned results



    • MXS-SPRINT-183


      If a result has been partially sent to the client and the connection is either lost in the middle of it or it ends in a deadlock, the replay is not possible. In certain cases a replay would be possible if the failing result was re-executed and spliced into the existing one.

      A simple byte offset into the latest resultset would be a simple but effective method of detecting which parts have been sent to the client and which parts need to match in order for the replay to be safe.

      Original description:
      SkySQL2 cluster is called customer777-xpand2
      Domain Name is dbswf33330813.syss0001.stage1.skysql.net
      Database is travel

      1. Created database with travel.sql
      2. Added primary key with addPrimaryKey.sql
      3. In session 1 ran sql script t3a.sql to create a stored procedure
      4. In session 1 ran sql script t3arun.sql to run t3a.sql stored procedure
      5. In session 2 ran t4.sql to create a stored procedure and run it

      The following error was displayed in session 1 after a few minutes

      ERROR 1205 (40000) at line 1 in file: 't3arun.sql': [30720] MVCC serializable conflict: This transaction conflicted with a serializable transaction: `travel`.`flights` Primary key: (66773); try restarting transaction


        1. xactionsTest.py
          2 kB
        2. travel.sql
          9.45 MB
        3. t4.sql
          0.5 kB
        4. t3arun.sql
          0.0 kB
        5. t3a.sql
          0.4 kB
        6. MXS-4549-no-log-info.txt
          8 kB
        7. MXS-4549-mar17-logs.txt
          263 kB
        8. MXS-4549-log-info.txt
          586 kB
        9. MXS-4549-apr05-logs.txt
          889 kB
        10. alterTest.py
          0.9 kB
        11. addPrimaryKey.sql
          0.1 kB

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              markus makela markus makela
              mmalgeri Michael Malgeri (Inactive)
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              6 Start watching this issue



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