.@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@# @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ (@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@( @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ *@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@& @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @( @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@/ ,&@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ #@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@, @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@% @@@@@ @@@# &( info : MaxScale will be run in the terminal process. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Using up to 4.68MiB of memory for query classifier cache 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : syslog logging is disabled. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : maxlog logging is enabled. Configuration file : /etc/maxscale-cfg/maxscale.cnf Log directory : /var/log/maxscale Data directory : /var/lib/maxscale Module directory : /usr/lib64/maxscale Service cache : /var/cache/maxscale 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Host: 'ip-10-194-30-227.us-west-2.compute.internal' OS: Linux@5.4.226-129.415.amzn2.x86_64, #1 SMP Fri Dec 9 12:54:21 UTC 2022, x86_64 with 2 processor cores (1.13 available). 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Total main memory: 7.48GiB (4.53GiB usable). 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : MariaDB MaxScale 22.08.3 started (Commit: 2949f820a7d9de38d7fd51909f66d561627d1eed) 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : MaxScale is running in process 44 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Configuration file: /etc/maxscale-cfg/maxscale.cnf 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Log directory: /var/log/maxscale 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Data directory: /var/lib/maxscale 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Module directory: /usr/lib64/maxscale 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Service cache: /var/cache/maxscale 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Module 'qc_sqlite' loaded from '/usr/lib64/maxscale/libqc_sqlite.so'. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Query classification results are cached and reused. Memory used per thread: 2.34MiB 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Password encryption key file '/var/lib/maxscale/.secrets' not found, using configured passwords as plaintext. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : MaxScale started with 2 worker threads. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : /etc/maxscale-cfg/maxscale.cnf.d does not exist, not reading. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Module 'readwritesplit' loaded from '/usr/lib64/maxscale/libreadwritesplit.so'. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Module 'readconnroute' loaded from '/usr/lib64/maxscale/libreadconnroute.so'. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Module 'xpandmon' loaded from '/usr/lib64/maxscale/libxpandmon.so'. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : [xpandmon] sqlite3 database /var/lib/maxscale/Xpand-Monitor/xpand_nodes-v1.db open/created and initialized. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : [xpandmon] Xpand-Monitor: Monitoring Xpand cluster state using node 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Created server '@@Xpand-Monitor:node-1' at 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Using HS256 for JWT signatures 2023-03-06 21:09:08 warning: The MaxScale GUI is enabled but encryption for the REST API is not enabled, the GUI will not be enabled. Configure `admin_ssl_key` and `admin_ssl_cert` to enable HTTPS or add `admin_secure_gui=false` to allow use of the GUI without encryption. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Started REST API on []:8989 2023-03-06 21:09:08 warning: [xpandmon] Xpand-Monitor: Health check round had not completed when next tick arrived. 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Starting a total of 3 services... 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : (Xpand-Read-Only-Listener); Listening for connections at []:4008 2023-03-06 21:09:08 warning: Service 'Xpand-Read-Only-Service' has a listener but no servers 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Service 'Xpand-Read-Only-Service' started (1/3) 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : (Xpand-Insecure-RO-Listener); Listening for connections at []:3333 2023-03-06 21:09:08 warning: Service 'Xpand-Insecure-RO-Service' has a listener but no servers 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Service 'Xpand-Insecure-RO-Service' started (2/3) 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : (Experimental-Listener); Listening for connections at []:4009 2023-03-06 21:09:08 warning: Service 'Experimental-Service' has a listener but no servers 2023-03-06 21:09:08 notice : Service 'Experimental-Service' started (3/3) 2023-03-06 21:09:09 notice : '@@Xpand-Monitor:node-1' sent version string '5.0.45-Xpand-'. Detected type: 'Xpand', version: 5.0.45. 2023-03-06 21:09:09 notice : Read 74 user@host entries from '@@Xpand-Monitor:node-1' for service 'Xpand-Read-Only-Service'. 2023-03-06 21:09:09 notice : Read 74 user@host entries from '@@Xpand-Monitor:node-1' for service 'Experimental-Service'. 2023-03-06 21:09:09 notice : Read 74 user@host entries from '@@Xpand-Monitor:node-1' for service 'Xpand-Insecure-RO-Service'. 2023-03-06 21:09:13 notice : Create network user 'skysql_admin' OK 2023-03-06 21:09:13 notice : Deleted network user 'admin' OK 2023-03-06 21:39:21 warning: (1070) [readwritesplit] (Experimental-Service); Expected a WSREP error but got a transaction rollback error: 1205, [30720] MVCC serializable conflict: This transaction conflicted with a serializable transaction: `travel`.`__building_flights` Primary key: ; try restarting transaction 2023-03-06 21:39:21 error : (1070) [readwritesplit] (Experimental-Service); Current query unexpectedly empty when trying to retry query on master 2023-03-07 21:51:44 warning: (53389) [MariaDBProtocol] Authentication failed for user 'dbswf33330813'@[] to service 'Experimental-Service'. Originating listener: 'Experimental-Listener'. MariaDB error: 'Access denied for user 'dbswf33330813'@'' (using password: YES)'. 2023-03-07 21:51:53 warning: (53395) [MariaDBProtocol] Authentication failed for user 'dbswf33330813'@[] to service 'Experimental-Service'. Originating listener: 'Experimental-Listener'. MariaDB error: 'Access denied for user 'dbswf33330813'@'' (using password: YES)'. 2023-03-07 22:09:21 error : (53511) [readwritesplit] (Experimental-Service); Current query unexpectedly empty when trying to retry query on master