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  1. MariaDB MaxScale
  2. MXS-3978

Binlog router appends -BinlogRouter to master version string again and again ...



      When having a binlog router, or especially multiple ones, in the server list of a monitor, a binlog router may receive a version string from the monitor that already includes the -BinlogRouter postfix, and then append it again, leading to version strings like:


      or in the worst case:


      Note that the 2nd but last instance just reads Binlog here, so it seems that upon appending the version string is shortened first when exceeding a certain limit, after which -BinlogRouter is appended to it again.

      When having just one binlog router as part of the monitored servers I'm seeing -BinlogRouter added twice initially when starting up my test VM setup, but when restarting the maxscale service it goes down to just one, and stays like that.

      When having a setup with two maxscale instances providing a binlog router for the same replication setup each, and each maxscale monitoring both its own and the others binlog router instance, restarting a maxscale instance a few times can quickly lead to enough -BinlogRouter postfixes being appended to reach the max. version string length limit.

      Proposed fix: either just check whether the version string already ends in -BinlogRouter and do not append it again in that case, or maybe exclude such "special" version strings from what the monitor returns as server version to begin with?



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            esa.korhonen Esa Korhonen
            hholzgra Hartmut Holzgraefe
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