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  1. MariaDB MaxScale
  2. MXS-2309

MaxScale mariadbmon not consistent in treatment of external server when managing 2 M/S nodes



      Setup dual datacenter Maxscale w/ Master-Slave node using mariadbmon with auto-failover. System is deployed correctly as can be seen from first maxadmin in mxs.issue file. Each data center is Master/Slave and the masters are replicating to each other (as external servers).

      However, when I take down the master (mariadb-0) in dcA, maxscale indicates that it is failing over to mariadb-1 node and it applies promotion.sql and redirects new master (mariadb-1) to new external master. Then it looses Master status in the local datacenter.

      Attached is mxs.issue file which shows maxadmin list servers in each datacenter before and after dcA-mariadb-0 is taken down.

      Also attached is maxscale.log showing mariadb-1 promoted to master.



          esa.korhonen Esa Korhonen added a comment -

          This seems to be an issue in the master detection algorithm of the monitor. The failover is indeed ran correctly, just the state of the surviving backend is set incorrectly. This is likely not an issue in 2.3.

          If the cluster where the master fails contains three or more servers, the detection works. If an external master is not used, the two-server configuration works due to the "detect_standalone_master"-setting.

          esa.korhonen Esa Korhonen added a comment - This seems to be an issue in the master detection algorithm of the monitor. The failover is indeed ran correctly, just the state of the surviving backend is set incorrectly. This is likely not an issue in 2.3. If the cluster where the master fails contains three or more servers, the detection works. If an external master is not used, the two-server configuration works due to the "detect_standalone_master"-setting.
          rvlane Richard Lane added a comment -

          This can be closed. The issue does not occur in maxscale-2.3.3 and we will be releasing that.

          rvlane Richard Lane added a comment - This can be closed. The issue does not occur in maxscale-2.3.3 and we will be releasing that.
          markus makela markus makela added a comment -

          Closing as fixed in 2.3.3 based on the latest comment.

          markus makela markus makela added a comment - Closing as fixed in 2.3.3 based on the latest comment.


            esa.korhonen Esa Korhonen
            rvlane Richard Lane
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            3 Start watching this issue



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