Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
centos7 cloud container
Setup dual datacenter Maxscale w/ Master-Slave node using mariadbmon with auto-failover. System is deployed correctly as can be seen from first maxadmin in mxs.issue file. Each data center is Master/Slave and the masters are replicating to each other (as external servers).
However, when I take down the master (mariadb-0) in dcA, maxscale indicates that it is failing over to mariadb-1 node and it applies promotion.sql and redirects new master (mariadb-1) to new external master. Then it looses Master status in the local datacenter.
Attached is mxs.issue file which shows maxadmin list servers in each datacenter before and after dcA-mariadb-0 is taken down.
Also attached is maxscale.log showing mariadb-1 promoted to master.
Closing as fixed in 2.3.3 based on the latest comment.