Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Fix
Test flow |
- start server with SEQUENCE and InnoDB
- kill server (do not shut down, make it die)
- start server without SEQUENCE
=> server does not start
Note: It does not matter which xa-capable engine is missing, and whether it is missing or it newly appeared, only the number matters. E.g. it can be reproduced by adding TokuDB instead of removing SEQUENCE; on the other hand, if you remove SEQUENCE and add TokuDB at once, the server starts all right, because the number of engines is the same.
Test case |
--source include/
--echo # Shutdown the server...
--exec echo "wait" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect
--shutdown_server 10
--source include/
--echo # Restart the server with SEQUENCE enabled....
--exec echo "restart:--sequence" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect
--source include/
select engine, support from information_schema.engines;
--echo # Kill the server....
--exec echo "wait" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect
--shutdown_server 0
--source include/
--echo # Restart the server without SEQUENCE....
--exec echo "restart:--loose-skip-sequence" > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/mysqld.1.expect
--source include/
select engine, support from information_schema.engines;
--echo # All done.
2015-09-11 20:15:30 139911419701088 [ERROR] Recovery failed! You must enable exactly 3 storage engines that support two-phase commit protocol
2015-09-11 20:15:30 139911419701088 [ERROR] Crash recovery failed. Either correct the problem (if it's, for example, out of memory error) and restart, or delete tc log and start mysqld with --tc-heuristic-recover={commit|rollback}
2015-09-11 20:15:30 139911419701088 [ERROR] Can't init tc log
2015-09-11 20:15:30 139911419701088 [ERROR] Aborting
Also, the number it reports looks weird. When there were two engines and one is gone, it asks for 3, etc.
Issue Links
- blocks
MDEV-9039 Can't upgrade MariaDB to to 10.1.8 version from 10.0.21
- Closed