Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Fix
This task is a part of dj 's GSoC project.
Consider this testcase:
First, let's create a table function:
MariaDB [test]> delimiter |
MariaDB [test]> CREATE FUNCTION f21(param1 VARCHAR(11))
-> RETURNS TABLE return_table(name VARCHAR(11))
-> deterministic
-> insert into return_table values('foo');
-> END|
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)
MariaDB [test]> DELIMITER ;
Then use it:
MariaDB [test]> select name from f21('aaa');
| name |
| foo |
1 row in set (0.45 sec)
Then drop it:
MariaDB [test]> drop function f21;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
And then try using it again:
MariaDB [test]> select name from f21('aaa');
| name |
| foo |
1 row in set (0.26 sec)
Oops. Why is the function still here?
Btw, if I restart the server, I get:
MariaDB [test]> select name from f21('aaa');
ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'test.f21' doesn't exist
Apparently the stored function is sitting in some in-memory cache.
Issue Links
- is part of
MDEV-8100 Table functions (aka SQL functions returning tables)
- Stalled
dj, this can be debugged as follows: start two debuggers and debug two instances of mariadb. In one debugger, create/use/drop a regular stored function, in the other one - create/use/drop a table function.
Debug what happens inside DROP FUNCTION in both cases and figure out where the difference comes from.