Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Fix
Centos 7
I like to use connect engine of mariadb to connect to a firebird database via ODBC on a server which is running on Centos 7.
I have already established a connection to sqlserver.
The odbc-test to the firebird-database with isql works as well.
This is my create-statement for remotetable
CREATE TABLE con.test_table_apys |
TABNAME='wsk_lager_st' |
CONNECTION='DSN=apys;UID=SYSDBA;PWD=myownpassword'; |
After sending the statement to the server I got this error message:
ERROR 2006 (HY000): MySQL server has gone away
This is the content of odbc.ini
Description = Firebird
Driver = Firebird
Dbname = apysdbserver/3051:vm_apys_ori205
Role =
CharacterSet = WIN1252
ReadOnly = No
NoWait = No
But as already mentioned the odbc-connection with isql is working.
I have no problem to use Firebird as a data source on Windows 7.
On Linux (ubuntu) I had to install unixODBC, Firebird, the Firebird ODBC driver and recompile MariaDB with CONNECT ODBC supported. Not a piece of cake! Why is this damn Linux making things 100 times more difficult than they are on Windows...
However, after two days I was able to make tests. I mean tests, because some link errors was prevented me to install the new version of MariaDB! But mysql-test was working, so I made an odbc_firebird.test and it did not fail. I will put some files in attachment so you can see what I have done.
Some remarks:
Many failures were problems of permission on files or directories.
The DSN description in odbc.ini must contain the full path of the database file.
isql-fb generally works without problem but isql can have permission problems, the same CONNECT can have.
Even when accessing Firebird by CONNECT failed, this was never crashing the MariaDB server.
Right now, I am unable to reproduce your problem. It can be depending on the environment or on the specific database you are using. Could you please attach the FDB file so I can try it?
Note: Difficult to point out precisely what went wrong from your hostname.err file because it is not a DEBUG built server.