Uploaded image for project: 'MariaDB Server'
  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-7888

ANALYZE TABLE does wakeup_subsequent_commits(), causing wrong binlog order and parallel replication hang




      All threads seem to be waiting for some 'prior transaction' which is not there.

      MariaDB [(none)]> show processlist;
      | Id | User        | Host            | db    | Command | Time | State                                                                          | Info                                              | Progress |
      |  2 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6220 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      |  3 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6033 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      |  4 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6220 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      |  5 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6063 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      |  6 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6035 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      |  7 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6065 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      |  8 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6063 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      |  9 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6064 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 10 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6035 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 11 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6122 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 12 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6220 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 13 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6220 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 14 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6122 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 15 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6220 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 16 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6064 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 17 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6064 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 18 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6064 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 19 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6122 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 20 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6064 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 21 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6122 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 22 | root        | localhost:46784 | mysql | Query   | 5863 | Waiting for the slave SQL thread to advance position                           | SELECT MASTER_POS_WAIT('mysql-bin.000001',168906) |    0.000 |
      | 23 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6279 | Waiting for master to send event                                               | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 24 | system user |                 | NULL  | Connect | 6279 | Slave has read all relay log; waiting for the slave I/O thread to update it    | NULL                                              |    0.000 |
      | 42 | root        | localhost:47011 | NULL  | Query   |    0 | init                                                                           | show processlist                                  |    0.000 |

      MariaDB [(none)]> show slave status \G
      *************************** 1. row ***************************
                     Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                        Master_User: root
                        Master_Port: 10730
                      Connect_Retry: 1
                    Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001
                Read_Master_Log_Pos: 168906
                     Relay_Log_File: mysql-relay-bin.000002
                      Relay_Log_Pos: 127819
              Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001
                   Slave_IO_Running: Yes
                  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
                         Last_Errno: 0
                       Skip_Counter: 0
                Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 127532
                    Relay_Log_Space: 169490
                    Until_Condition: None
                      Until_Log_Pos: 0
                 Master_SSL_Allowed: No
              Seconds_Behind_Master: 6063
      Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No
                      Last_IO_Errno: 0
                     Last_SQL_Errno: 0
                   Master_Server_Id: 1
                         Using_Gtid: Slave_Pos
                        Gtid_IO_Pos: 0-1-483
                      Parallel_Mode: optimistic
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)

      Fragment of the binlog, 100 lines before and 100 lines after the current Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 127532

      # at 126456
      #150331  0:48:15 server id 1  end_log_pos 126484 	Intvar
      SET INSERT_ID=60/*!*/;
      # at 126484
      #150331  0:48:15 server id 1  end_log_pos 126621 	Query	thread_id=43	exec_time=1	error_code=0
      SET TIMESTAMP=1427752095/*!*/;
      REPLACE LOW_PRIORITY INTO `table0_innodb_int_autoinc` (`pk`) VALUES (NULL)
      # at 126621
      #150331  0:48:15 server id 1  end_log_pos 126648 	Xid = 2409
      # at 126648
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 126686 	GTID 0-1-375
      /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=375*//*!*/;
      # at 126686
      # at 126760
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 126760 	Table_map: `test`.`table100_innodb_int_autoinc` mapped to number 126
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 126839 	Delete_rows: table id 126 flags: STMT_END_F
      ### DELETE FROM `test`.`table100_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1=26
      ###   @2=138
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=NULL
      ###   @5='4'
      ### DELETE FROM `test`.`table100_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1=7
      ###   @2=4
      ###   @3='was'
      ###   @4=245
      ###   @5='3'
      ### DELETE FROM `test`.`table100_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1=9
      ###   @2=6
      ###   @3='yeah'
      ###   @4=5
      ###   @5='3'
      # at 126839
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 126866 	Xid = 2357
      # at 126866
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 126904 	GTID 0-1-376
      /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=376*//*!*/;
      # at 126904
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 126932 	Intvar
      SET INSERT_ID=45/*!*/;
      # at 126932
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 127113 	Query	thread_id=35	exec_time=2	error_code=0
      SET TIMESTAMP=1427752094/*!*/;
      REPLACE LOW_PRIORITY INTO `table1_innodb_int_autoinc` ( `col_int_key`, `col_char_12` ) VALUES ( 'm', 2 ), ( 166, 238 )
      # at 127113
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 127140 	Xid = 2378
      # at 127140
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 127178 	GTID 0-1-377
      /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=377*//*!*/;
      # at 127178
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 127336 	Query	thread_id=37	exec_time=2	error_code=0
      SET TIMESTAMP=1427752094/*!*/;
      ANALYZE TABLE `table0_innodb_key_pk_parts_2_int_autoinc` PERSISTENT FOR COLUMNS ALL INDEXES ALL
      # at 127336
      #150331  0:48:16 server id 1  end_log_pos 127374 	GTID 0-1-378
      /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=378*//*!*/;
      # at 127374
      # at 127446
      #150331  0:48:16 server id 1  end_log_pos 127446 	Table_map: `test`.`table2_innodb_int_autoinc` mapped to number 123
      #150331  0:48:16 server id 1  end_log_pos 127505 	Delete_rows: table id 123 flags: STMT_END_F
      ### DELETE FROM `test`.`table2_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=69
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=NULL
      ###   @5=NULL
      ### DELETE FROM `test`.`table2_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=70
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=NULL
      ###   @5=NULL
      ### DELETE FROM `test`.`table2_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=74
      ###   @3=2
      ###   @4='1404370944'
      ###   @5=NULL
      # at 127505
      #150331  0:48:16 server id 1  end_log_pos 127532 	Xid = 2435
      # at 127532
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 127570 	GTID 0-1-379
      /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=379*//*!*/;
      # at 127570
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 127874 	Query	thread_id=34	exec_time=2	error_code=0
      SET TIMESTAMP=1427752094/*!*/;
      CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE `create_or_replace_tmp` (
        `col_int` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        `col_int_key` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
        `col_char_12` char(12) DEFAULT NULL,
        `pk` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
        `col_char_12_key` char(12) DEFAULT NULL
      # at 127874
      # at 127942
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 127942 	Table_map: `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp` mapped to number 137
      #150331  0:48:14 server id 1  end_log_pos 128275 	Write_rows: table id 137 flags: STMT_END_F
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=NULL
      ###   @3='2147483647'
      ###   @4=11
      ###   @5=NULL
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=9
      ###   @2=NULL
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=15
      ###   @5='77987840'
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=0
      ###   @2=NULL
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=17
      ###   @5='77987840'
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=9
      ###   @2=8
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=25
      ###   @5='182'
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=NULL
      ###   @3='13'
      ###   @4=43
      ###   @5=NULL
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=NULL
      ###   @3='10'
      ###   @4=45
      ###   @5=NULL
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=219
      ###   @3='211'
      ###   @4=47
      ###   @5=NULL
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=NULL
      ###   @3='54'
      ###   @4=49
      ###   @5=NULL
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=NULL
      ###   @3='55'
      ###   @4=51
      ###   @5=NULL
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=NULL
      ###   @3='10'
      ###   @4=53
      ###   @5=NULL
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=9
      ###   @2=NULL
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=55
      ###   @5=NULL
      ### INSERT INTO `test`.`create_or_replace_tmp`
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=NULL

      Full binlog is attached as mysql-bin.000001.

      When I feed the same binlog to a slave via a master again, I get it stuck in a slightly different way:

      MariaDB [test]> show processlist;
      | Id | User        | Host            | db   | Command | Time | State                                                                          | Info             | Progress |
      |  2 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9338 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      |  3 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9331 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      |  4 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9332 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      |  5 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9331 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      |  6 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9338 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      |  7 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9333 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      |  8 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9331 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      |  9 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9333 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 10 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9332 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 11 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9333 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 12 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9333 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 13 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9342 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 14 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9332 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 15 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9332 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 16 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9310 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 17 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9331 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 18 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9333 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 19 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9330 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 20 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9310 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 21 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect | 9310 | Waiting for prior transaction to start commit before starting next transaction | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 23 | root        | localhost:49859 | test | Query   |    0 | init                                                                           | show processlist |    0.000 |
      | 24 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect |  292 | Waiting for master to send event                                               | NULL             |    0.000 |
      | 25 | system user |                 | NULL | Connect |  291 | Waiting for prior transaction to commit                                        | NULL             |    0.000 |

      MariaDB [test]> show slave status \G
      *************************** 1. row ***************************
                     Slave_IO_State: Waiting for master to send event
                        Master_User: root
                        Master_Port: 10730
                      Connect_Retry: 1
                    Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000002
                Read_Master_Log_Pos: 326
                     Relay_Log_File: wheezy-64-relay-bin.000002
                      Relay_Log_Pos: 36518
              Relay_Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001
                   Slave_IO_Running: Yes
                  Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
                         Last_Errno: 0
                       Skip_Counter: 0
                Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 36231
                    Relay_Log_Space: 169859
                    Until_Condition: None
                      Until_Log_Pos: 0
                 Master_SSL_Allowed: No
              Seconds_Behind_Master: 9331
      Master_SSL_Verify_Server_Cert: No
                      Last_IO_Errno: 0
                     Last_SQL_Errno: 0
                   Master_Server_Id: 1
                         Using_Gtid: Slave_Pos
                        Gtid_IO_Pos: 0-1-483
                      Parallel_Mode: optimistic
      1 row in set (0.01 sec)

      Similar 201-line fragment from the binlog, for position 36231

      # at 35314
      #150331  0:44:33 server id 1  end_log_pos 35341 	Xid = 434
      # at 35341
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 35379 	GTID 0-1-104
      /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=104*//*!*/;
      # at 35379
      # at 35451
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 35451 	Table_map: `test`.`table1_innodb_int_autoinc` mapped to number 120
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 35504 	Update_rows: table id 120 flags: STMT_END_F
      ### UPDATE `test`.`table1_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1='91'
      ###   @2=6
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=NULL
      ###   @5=2147483647
      ### SET
      ###   @1='5'
      ###   @2=6
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=NULL
      ###   @5=2147483647
      # at 35504
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 35531 	Xid = 508
      # at 35531
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 35569 	GTID 0-1-105
      /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=105*//*!*/;
      # at 35569
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 35597 	Intvar
      SET INSERT_ID=8/*!*/;
      # at 35597
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 35776 	Query	thread_id=46	exec_time=2	error_code=0
      SET TIMESTAMP=1427751894/*!*/;
      REPLACE LOW_PRIORITY INTO `table1_innodb_int_autoinc` ( `col_int_key`, `col_int` ) VALUES ( 'v', 'c' ), ( 'v', 106 )
      # at 35776
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 35803 	Xid = 520
      # at 35803
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 35841 	GTID 0-1-106
      /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=106*//*!*/;
      # at 35841
      # at 35913
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 35913 	Table_map: `test`.`table1_innodb_int_autoinc` mapped to number 120
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 36021 	Update_rows: table id 120 flags: STMT_END_F
      ### UPDATE `test`.`table1_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=8
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=0
      ###   @5=0
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=8
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=0
      ###   @5=2147483647
      ### UPDATE `test`.`table1_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=9
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=106
      ###   @5=0
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=9
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=106
      ###   @5=2147483647
      ### UPDATE `test`.`table1_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1='159'
      ###   @2=7
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=NULL
      ###   @5=0
      ### SET
      ###   @1='159'
      ###   @2=7
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=NULL
      ###   @5=2147483647
      # at 36021
      #150331  0:44:54 server id 1  end_log_pos 36048 	Xid = 519
      # at 36048
      #150331  0:44:34 server id 1  end_log_pos 36086 	GTID 0-1-107
      /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=107*//*!*/;
      # at 36086
      #150331  0:44:34 server id 1  end_log_pos 36231 	Query	thread_id=37	exec_time=30	error_code=0
      SET TIMESTAMP=1427751874/*!*/;
      ANALYZE TABLE `table100_innodb_int_autoinc` PERSISTENT FOR COLUMNS ( ) INDEXES ALL
      # at 36231
      #150331  0:45:04 server id 1  end_log_pos 36269 	GTID 0-1-108
      /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=108*//*!*/;
      # at 36269
      #150331  0:45:04 server id 1  end_log_pos 36423 	Query	thread_id=34	exec_time=1	error_code=0
      SET TIMESTAMP=1427751904/*!*/;
      SET @@session.pseudo_thread_id=34/*!*/;
      CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY TABLE `create_or_replace_tmp` LIKE `table10_innodb_int_autoinc`
      # at 36423
      #150331  0:45:05 server id 1  end_log_pos 36461 	GTID 0-1-109
      /*!100001 SET @@session.gtid_seq_no=109*//*!*/;
      # at 36461
      #150331  0:44:30 server id 1  end_log_pos 36489 	Intvar
      SET INSERT_ID=11/*!*/;
      # at 36489
      #150331  0:44:30 server id 1  end_log_pos 36641 	Query	thread_id=44	exec_time=0	error_code=0
      SET TIMESTAMP=1427751870/*!*/;
      INSERT LOW_PRIORITY INTO `table10_innodb_key_pk_parts_2_int_autoinc` (`pk`) VALUES (NULL)
      # at 36641
      #150331  0:44:33 server id 1  end_log_pos 36669 	Intvar
      SET INSERT_ID=6/*!*/;
      # at 36669
      #150331  0:44:33 server id 1  end_log_pos 36820 	Query	thread_id=44	exec_time=0	error_code=0
      SET TIMESTAMP=1427751873/*!*/;
      INSERT LOW_PRIORITY INTO `table1_innodb_key_pk_parts_2_int_autoinc` (`pk`) VALUES (NULL)
      # at 36820
      # at 36894
      #150331  0:44:33 server id 1  end_log_pos 36894 	Table_map: `test`.`table100_innodb_int_autoinc` mapped to number 117
      #150331  0:44:33 server id 1  end_log_pos 37009 	Update_rows: table id 117 flags: STMT_END_F
      ### UPDATE `test`.`table100_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=19
      ###   @3='did'
      ###   @4=3
      ###   @5='eeeif'
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=19
      ###   @3='did'
      ###   @4=3
      ###   @5='j'
      ### UPDATE `test`.`table100_innodb_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1=9
      ###   @2=6
      ###   @3='yeah'
      ###   @4=1
      ###   @5='yuxleyeiieee'
      ### SET
      ###   @1=9
      ###   @2=6
      ###   @3='yeah'
      ###   @4=1
      ###   @5='j'
      # at 37009
      #150331  0:44:34 server id 1  end_log_pos 37037 	Intvar
      SET INSERT_ID=105/*!*/;
      # at 37037
      #150331  0:44:34 server id 1  end_log_pos 37182 	Query	thread_id=44	exec_time=0	error_code=0
      SET TIMESTAMP=1427751874/*!*/;
      INSERT LOW_PRIORITY IGNORE INTO `table100_innodb_int_autoinc` (`pk`) VALUES (NULL)
      # at 37182
      # at 37270
      #150331  0:44:34 server id 1  end_log_pos 37270 	Table_map: `test`.`table10_innodb_key_pk_parts_2_int_autoinc` mapped to number 121
      #150331  0:44:34 server id 1  end_log_pos 37482 	Update_rows: table id 121 flags: STMT_END_F
      ### UPDATE `test`.`table10_innodb_key_pk_parts_2_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=NULL
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4=NULL
      ###   @5=11
      ### SET
      ###   @1=NULL
      ###   @2=NULL
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4='183'
      ###   @5=11
      ### UPDATE `test`.`table10_innodb_key_pk_parts_2_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1='7'
      ###   @2=2
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4='bgnesyuxle'
      ###   @5=6
      ### SET
      ###   @1='7'
      ###   @2=2
      ###   @3=NULL
      ###   @4='183'
      ###   @5=6
      ### UPDATE `test`.`table10_innodb_key_pk_parts_2_int_autoinc`
      ### WHERE
      ###   @1='7'

      Again, bad things seem to happen around CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE, so maybe it's related.

      To reproduce:

      • start master with the provided binary log, no special options needed

        My master command line options

        --server_id=1 --log-bin=mysql-bin 

      • start slave with parallel threads and optimistic mode

        My slave command line options

        --server_id=2 --slave-parallel-mode=optimistic --slave-parallel-threads=20

      • start replication (with or without GTID, doesn't matter)
      • wait until it gets stuck, for me it's always at Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 36231.

      Not reproducible without the optimistic mode.


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              knielsen Kristian Nielsen
              elenst Elena Stepanova
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