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          5.5.41/5.6.22 version:
              The global scope for the sql_log_bin system variable has been
              deprecated, and this variable can now be set with session scope
              only. The statement SET GLOBAL SQL_LOG_BIN now produces an
              error. It remains possible to read the global value of
              sql_log_bin, but you should act now to remove any dependencies
              on reading this value from your applications, as the ability to
              do so will be removed in a future MySQL release.

          elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - 5.5.41/5.6.22 version:   The global scope for the sql_log_bin system variable has been deprecated, and this variable can now be set with session scope only. The statement SET GLOBAL SQL_LOG_BIN now produces an error. It remains possible to read the global value of sql_log_bin, but you should act now to remove any dependencies on reading this value from your applications, as the ability to do so will be removed in a future MySQL release.
          danblack Daniel Black added a comment -

          updated documentation. This should be done as part of the commit process.

          danblack Daniel Black added a comment - updated documentation. This should be done as part of the commit process.


            serg Sergei Golubchik
            nirbhay_c Nirbhay Choubey (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue



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