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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-5898

FOUND_ROWS() return incorrect value when using DISTINCT


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 10.0.9
    • 10.0.10
    • None
    • None
    • - Intel Core i3-3220 CPU @ 3.30 GHz

      - Debian Wheeze GNU/Linux amd64 (x86_64) 7.4, Kernel 3.2.41.

      - MariaDB Debian packages: 10.0.9+maria-1~wheezy from "repository configuration tool" in mariadb.org.


      This example database & SQL allows to reproduce the bug:

      -- bugMariaDB.sql
      -- Use:
      -- $ mysql -uroot -p < bugMariaDB.sql

      CREATE DATABASE bugtest;
      USE bugtest;
      CREATE TABLE tbltestA (
      , dated  DATETIME
      , parity INTEGER
      CREATE TABLE tbltestB (
        id_numA INTEGER
      , id_part INTEGER
      , status  CHAR(16) DEFAULT ''
      , PRIMARY KEY (id_numA, id_part)

      delimiter //
        CREATE PROCEDURE seqInsert (len INT)
          DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 1;
          WHILE i <= len DO
            INSERT INTO tbltestA (numA, dated, parity) VALUES (i, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), i%2);
            INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 0, 'ok');
            INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 1, 'ok');
            INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 2, 'ko');
            INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 3, 'ko');
            INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 4, 'ok');
            INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 5, 'ok');
            SET i = i + 1;
          END WHILE;
        END //
      delimiter ;
      CALL seqInsert(512);

      -- Tests to reproduce the bug ------------------------------------------------
      -- NOTE: DISTINCT is necessary to reproduce the bug
      -- TEST 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------
      SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status='ok' ORDER BY dated DESC, numA DESC LIMIT 45;
      -- OK: 128
      SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status='ok' ORDER BY dated DESC, numA DESC LIMIT 46;
      -- ERR: 46 (46 in MariaDB, 128 in MySQL)
      -- TEST 2 --------------------------------------------------------------------
      SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status='ok' ORDER BY dated DESC, numA DESC LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0;
      -- ERR: 50 (50 in MariaDB, 128 in MySQL)
      SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status='ok' ORDER BY dated DESC, numA DESC LIMIT 50 OFFSET 50;
      -- ERR: 100 (100 in MariaDB, 128 in MySQL)


        Issue Links


            Thank you for the detailed report.

            The problem was introduced by the bugfix for MDEV-5549:

                revno: 3965.1.14
                revision-id: sergii@pisem.net-20140201083407-l6hg86u20byph3i7
                parent: sergii@pisem.net-20140201083326-wlzdm7dash8h58m8
                fixes bug: https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-5549
                committer: Sergei Golubchik <sergii@pisem.net>
                branch nick: 10.0
                timestamp: Sat 2014-02-01 09:34:07 +0100
                  MDEV-5549 Wrong row counter in found_rows() result
                  only let filesort() count rows for SQL_CALC_ROWS if it's using priority queue

            The complaint in MDEV-5549 was valid, because it was reproducible without LIMIT – the query would still return 9 rows, and FOUND_ROWS() would still return 700+.

            In this report, however, LIMIT does affect the number of affected rows, so FOUND_ROWS() after SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS should return the original count, but it does not.

            Here is the fragment of the test case from the description (no changes in data or structures, just put it together):

            --source include/have_innodb.inc
            CREATE TABLE tbltestA (
              numA   INTEGER PRIMARY KEY
            , dated  DATETIME
            , parity INTEGER
            CREATE TABLE tbltestB (
              id_numA INTEGER
            , id_part INTEGER
            , status  CHAR(16) DEFAULT ''
            , PRIMARY KEY (id_numA, id_part)
            --delimiter //
              CREATE PROCEDURE seqInsert (len INT)
                DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 1;
                WHILE i <= len DO
                  INSERT INTO tbltestA (numA, dated, parity) VALUES (i, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), i%2);
                  INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 0, 'ok');
                  INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 1, 'ok');
                  INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 2, 'ko');
                  INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 3, 'ko');
                  INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 4, 'ok');
                  INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 5, 'ok');
                  SET i = i + 1;
                END WHILE;
              END //
            --delimiter ;
            CALL seqInsert(512);
            SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( 
              SELECT DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA 
                WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status='ok' ORDER BY dated DESC, numA DESC
            ) alias;
            SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA 
              WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status='ok' ORDER BY dated DESC, numA DESC LIMIT 46;
            SELECT FOUND_ROWS();


            SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( 
            SELECT DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA 
            WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status='ok' ORDER BY dated DESC, numA DESC
            ) alias;
            SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA 
            WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status='ok' ORDER BY dated DESC, numA DESC LIMIT 46;
            SELECT FOUND_ROWS();

            elenst Elena Stepanova added a comment - Thank you for the detailed report. The problem was introduced by the bugfix for MDEV-5549 : revno: 3965.1.14 revision-id: sergii@pisem.net-20140201083407-l6hg86u20byph3i7 parent: sergii@pisem.net-20140201083326-wlzdm7dash8h58m8 fixes bug: https://mariadb.atlassian.net/browse/MDEV-5549 committer: Sergei Golubchik <sergii@pisem.net> branch nick: 10.0 timestamp: Sat 2014-02-01 09:34:07 +0100 message: MDEV-5549 Wrong row counter in found_rows() result only let filesort() count rows for SQL_CALC_ROWS if it's using priority queue The complaint in MDEV-5549 was valid, because it was reproducible without LIMIT – the query would still return 9 rows, and FOUND_ROWS() would still return 700+. In this report, however, LIMIT does affect the number of affected rows, so FOUND_ROWS() after SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS should return the original count, but it does not. Here is the fragment of the test case from the description (no changes in data or structures, just put it together): --source include/have_innodb.inc   CREATE TABLE tbltestA ( numA INTEGER PRIMARY KEY , dated DATETIME , parity INTEGER );   CREATE TABLE tbltestB ( id_numA INTEGER , id_part INTEGER , status CHAR (16) DEFAULT ''   , PRIMARY KEY (id_numA, id_part) );   --delimiter //   CREATE PROCEDURE seqInsert (len INT ) BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 1; WHILE i <= len DO INSERT INTO tbltestA (numA, dated, parity) VALUES (i, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), i%2); INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 0, 'ok' ); INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 1, 'ok' ); INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 2, 'ko' ); INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 3, 'ko' ); INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 4, 'ok' ); INSERT INTO tbltestB (id_numA, id_part, status) VALUES (i, 5, 'ok' ); SET i = i + 1; END WHILE; END //   --delimiter ;   CALL seqInsert(512);   SELECT COUNT (*) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status= 'ok' ORDER BY dated DESC , numA DESC ) alias;   --disable_result_log SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status= 'ok' ORDER BY dated DESC , numA DESC LIMIT 46; --enable_result_log   SELECT FOUND_ROWS(); result: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status='ok' ORDER BY dated DESC, numA DESC ) alias; COUNT(*) 128 SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS DISTINCT numA,dated,status FROM tbltestA JOIN tbltestB ON id_numA=numA WHERE numA <= 256 AND parity=0 AND status='ok' ORDER BY dated DESC, numA DESC LIMIT 46; SELECT FOUND_ROWS(); FOUND_ROWS() 46


              serg Sergei Golubchik
              mpalomo Mario Palomo Torrero
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue



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