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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-5171

Add support for --innodb-optimize-keys to mysqldump.


    • 10.0.20, 10.0.21


      Hello and thank you for mariadb,

      If the --innodb-optimize-keys mysqldump option was available with MariaDB I would use it when backing up and moving tables using mysqldump. It can also be used to shrink InnoDB table files on mysqld instances where "ALTER TABLE table_name ROW_FORMAT=Compact" does not result in fast index creation being used and where expand_fast_index_creation is not available so "OPTIMIZE TABLE table_name" and "ALTER TABLE table_name ENGINE=INNODB" do not use fast index creation.

      Having support for expand_fast_index_creation would also be great, but I think there is value from just adding the pragmatic mysqldump option.

      Applying the latest changes with fixes for the mysqldump option to MariaDB 10 was relatively easy. The original work and subsequent patches with tests having been created by Alexey Kopytov.

      Here are some links to the background:


      I tested using the example from Mark Callaghan in http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=57583

      create table rt (i int primary key auto_increment, j float) engine=innodb;
      insert into rt values (null, 1);
      create index x2 on rt(j);
      insert into rt select null, rand(0) from rt;     (21 times for 2,097,152 rows)
      120M test/rt.ibd
          Data_length: 62472192
         Index_length: 50937856
            Data_free: 7340032
      mariadb-10.0.4-linux-x86_64/bin/mysqldump --order-by-primary test rt | mysql -D test2
      120M test2/rt.ibd
          Data_length: 62472192
         Index_length: 50937856
            Data_free: 7340032
      Percona-Server-5.6.13-rel61.0-461.Linux.x86_64/bin/mysqldump --order-by-primary --innodb-optimize-keys test rt | mysql -D test3
      92M test3/rt.ibd
          Data_length: 62472192
         Index_length: 30998528
            Data_free: 0

      Thanks again.


        Issue Links


            danblack Daniel Black added a comment - - edited

            The default mysqldump is with --opt, implying --extended-insert, so one INSERT per table. It can be configured otherwise. (up until the max-packet-size - default 24M)

            For LOAD DATA we'd need the mariadb client (or server - mysqldump isn't strictly for the consumption of mysql/mariadb client) to recognize a an inline version of LOAD DATA. Otherwise some form of multiple files like https://github.com/maxbube/mydumper/commits/master (that seems to be getting activity again).

            danblack Daniel Black added a comment - - edited The default mysqldump is with --opt, implying --extended-insert, so one INSERT per table. It can be configured otherwise. (up until the max-packet-size - default 24M) For LOAD DATA we'd need the mariadb client (or server - mysqldump isn't strictly for the consumption of mysql/mariadb client) to recognize a an inline version of LOAD DATA . Otherwise some form of multiple files like https://github.com/maxbube/mydumper/commits/master (that seems to be getting activity again).

            In MDEV-24818 we hacked the code so that a multi-statement INSERT transaction from mysqldump will be accelerated using the MDEV-515 mechanism. The data loading can be accelerated seriously further by MDEV-24621.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - In MDEV-24818 we hacked the code so that a multi-statement INSERT transaction from mysqldump will be accelerated using the MDEV-515 mechanism. The data loading can be accelerated seriously further by MDEV-24621 .

            The Description feels a bit outdated.

            git show mariadb-10.0.20:storage/innobase/include/univ.i|grep VERSION|head -3

            #define INNODB_VERSION_MAJOR	5
            #define INNODB_VERSION_MINOR	6
            #define INNODB_VERSION_BUGFIX	25

            MariaDB 10.0.20 claims to be based on the InnoDB from MySQL 5.6.25. That version includes Alter_inplace_info::RECREATE_TABLE, which had been added in MySQL 5.6.13 to support OPTIMIZE TABLE using the WL#6255 InnoDB online table rebuild algorithm whose original version was released as part of MySQL 5.6.8.

            I think that the last missing piece to speed up data loading is MDEV-16281, to implement the multi-threaded creation of index trees.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - The Description feels a bit outdated. git show mariadb-10.0.20:storage/innobase/include/univ.i|grep VERSION|head -3 #define INNODB_VERSION_MAJOR 5 #define INNODB_VERSION_MINOR 6 #define INNODB_VERSION_BUGFIX 25 MariaDB 10.0.20 claims to be based on the InnoDB from MySQL 5.6.25. That version includes Alter_inplace_info::RECREATE_TABLE , which had been added in MySQL 5.6.13 to support OPTIMIZE TABLE using the WL#6255 InnoDB online table rebuild algorithm whose original version was released as part of MySQL 5.6.8. I think that the last missing piece to speed up data loading is MDEV-16281 , to implement the multi-threaded creation of index trees.

            Note: To benefit from MDEV-24621, a special option --no-autocommit needs to be specified to mariadb-dump until MDEV-32250 makes it the default.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - Note: To benefit from MDEV-24621 , a special option --no-autocommit needs to be specified to mariadb-dump until MDEV-32250 makes it the default.

            MDEV-34739 has been filed for the request to support ALTER TABLE…DISABLE KEYS and ALTER TABLE…ENABLE KEYS in InnoDB.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - MDEV-34739 has been filed for the request to support ALTER TABLE…DISABLE KEYS and ALTER TABLE…ENABLE KEYS in InnoDB.


              marko Marko Mäkelä
              thatsafunnyname Peter (Stig) Edwards
              5 Vote for this issue
              14 Start watching this issue



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