innodb.xa_prepare_unlock_unmodified w2 [ fail ] Found warnings/errors in server log file!
Test ended at 2024-10-23 14:55:54
/home/buildbot/buildbot/build/mariadb-10.6.20/sql/ runtime error: shift exponent 32 is too large for 32-bit type 'unsigned int'
^ Found warnings in /dev/shm/var/2/log/mysqld.1.err
- saving '/dev/shm/var/2/log/innodb.xa_prepare_unlock_unmodified/' to '/dev/shm/var/log/innodb.xa_prepare_unlock_unmodified/'
Retrying test innodb.xa_prepare_unlock_unmodified, attempt(2/2)...
So, the problem happens here:
sizeof(uint)=4 , PREV_BITS is defined as:
#define PREV_BITS(type,A) ((type) (((type) 1 << (A)) -1))
so we try to compute 1<<32 which is undefined.
Two issues here:
1. Why are we using PREV_BITS(uint, ... )? sizeof(key_part_map)=8, while MAX_REF_PART=32 , so we can easily side-step the problem by using PREV_BITS(key_part_map).
2. The fact that PREV_BITS(uint, 32) doesn't work is a gotcha that we shouldn't have.