Status: Open (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
THD may not cleaning up all memory between queries
THD stores allocated memory for a set of different purposes:
- Vio data data (used for reading data from a connection)
- Default 16K may be allocated in THD->net.read_buffer
- While testing this, it was not allocated
- Connection data
- Basically query string + some overhead
- Stored in THD->net.buff of size (THD->net.buff_end - THD->net.buff)
- A block of 16K is allocated by default
- Can grow up to max_allowed_size = 16777216. Will not decrease
- Slave connection size may grow up to slave_max_allowed_packet = 1073741824
- We should probably reallocate this at end of query if bigger than
- Memory used to process the current query
- Stored in THD->main_mem_root
- At startup, a permanent block of query_prealloc_size(24K) is
allocated. If needed new blocks of query_alloc_size(16K) are
allocated. - This is reset to query_prealloc_size at end of each statement
- For prepared statements
These are allocated in blocks of query_alloc_block_size (16K)
- Transactions information
- At startup, a permanent block of transaction_prealloc_size(4K) is
allocated. If needed new blocks of transaction_alloc_block_size
(8K) is allocated.
- Query digest
- Stored in THD->m_token_array
- Fixed size array of 'max_digest_length' (1024)
- Binary log, allocated if log is enabled.
- Stored in THD->cache_mngr
- A memory of binlog_stmt_cache_size (32K) + binlog_cache_size (32K)
is allocated at first binlog write.
- User variables
- Stored in THD->user_vars
- stores name and data for each variable
- Data can be reset to 0 but name will be available until connection is closed
- User level locks
- Stored in THD->ull_hash
- Memory reused for new entries
- hash memory will not shrink
- Open handlers (HANDLER OPEN)
- Stored in THD->handler_tables_hash
- Memory reused for new entries
- hash memory will not shrink
- Sequences (to get previous value of a sequence)
- Stored in THD->sequences
- Session tracker. Active if session_track_schema = ON
- Variables stored in THD->session_tracker.sysvars in a hash
- One allocation per tracked variable (THD->session_track_system_variables)
- 8K for the hash to track variables; Could be reduced to 1K
Note that the 'basic' memory used for idle connection should be
sizeof(THD) = 27888 + query_prealloc_size (24) + connection data(16K)
+ some other small objects (see above).
On my current system memory_used memory_used is 75872 bytes for an
idle, just started connection without binary logging.
Normally when running queries the 'memory_used' from
SELECT id, command, memory_used, max_memory_used from information_schema.processlist
should not grow 'a lot' over time except in the following cases:
- There are active prepared statements
- This memory should go back to 'basic' when all statements are freed.
- Queries with a lot of text (which causes connection string to
permanently increased).
While visiting a MariaDB user running 10.6.18 and checking the process
lists, I noticed a couple of connections that where using some 100M of
memory even while being 'Sleep'.
The task is to find out case if there is some common cases where the
'max_memory' grows a lot without coming back.
Known issues where this could happen (probably not related to this case)
- A lot of prepared statements that are never freed
- A lot of user variables that are never freed
- A lot of locks that are never freed
- Having really long query strings, up to 128M or more
Some variables from the user:
query_alloc_block_size 16384 (default)
query_prealloc_size 24576 (default)
max_allowed_packet 268,435,456
slave_max_allowed_packet 1,073,741,824 (default)
binlog_cache_size 1,048,576
binlog_stmt_cache_size 131,072
transaction_alloc_block_size 8192 (default)
transaction_prealloc_size 4096 (default)
Note that if one is using a server compiled with safemalloc, one can find all allocated memory for a connection with:
p sf_report_leaked_memory(connection_id)
Issue Links
- relates to
MDEV-34903 High mysqld.exe RAM consumption after single action in HeidiSQL
- Open
The first result which the tests yielded was the orphan prepared statements. I know that the description mentioned it as an unlikely cause, but I think it shouldn't be dismissed so lightly.
It is very easy to achieve the exact described result by just running PREPARE on new statement handles without DEALLOCATE, but that can indeed be not a very realistic scenario in well-written applications.
However, most of users feed their SQL to the server via some connectors, and the same problematic outcome can happen with some connectors without any obvious fault on the user's application side.
Here is an example in Perl DBI (wrapped for running in MTR just for convenience).
foreach (1..10000) {
The result of this test is that the connection grows up to 240M in the matter of a second:
MEMORY_USED before: 147480
MEMORY_USED after: 246387480
Here we enable server-side prepared statements, as many users surely do, and then run queries in a usual way, not worrying about PREPARE/DEALLOCATE at all, as the connector is supposed to deal with it.
If we look at the general log, we'll see two different patterns.
When we use selectrow_arrayref method (or, I assume, other similar fetchers), the statement gets closed after execution:
5 Prepare select MEMORY_USED as memory_used_before from information_schema.processlist where ID = CONNECTION_ID()
5 Execute select MEMORY_USED as memory_used_before from information_schema.processlist where ID = CONNECTION_ID()
5 Close stmt
However, when we use do method, prepared statements don't get closed and they pile up (if we continued the loop above 16K repetitions, we'd get the error that we exhausted the number of prepared statements):
5 Prepare SELECT 1
5 Execute SELECT 1
5 Prepare SELECT 1
5 Execute SELECT 1
Note that I'm using here SELECT to minimize the test case, but the same happens with DML, for example.
So, in a real-life application, it would be perfectly normal to have a connection which has server-side prepared statements enabled and mostly does SELECTs (and fetches the results), but every once in a while it also does DML/DDL via do or a similar method, so the orphan prepared statements would slowly pile up – not quickly enough to hit the limit, but sufficiently to show 100-200M memory usage at some point in the processlist.
It would be great to have the general log from the user in question, in this case we could see quickly if there is the same pattern of not closed prepared statements in there; the next best option would be to find out which exactly connector they are using, so we could try it and see if there is a similar issue.