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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-33707

Incorrect query result may caused by Right Join



    • Bug
    • Status: Open (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 10.4.21, 11.4.1
    • None
    • Optimizer
    • None
    • Ubuntu 22.04 CLI



      Dear devps, Our fuzzer may found a bug.

      Consider the following statements, qeury1 and query2 should reutrn the same reuslt. However, qeury1 return nothing while query2 return 95607293. Additionally, The reuslt in MySQL is correct

      -- query1
      mysql> SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT (t0.c1 - (t1.c0 IS TRUE)) AS f1 FROM t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN t0 ON NULL) AS t WHERE f1 AND 1;
      Empty set (0.00 sec)
      mysql> SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT (t0.c1 - (t1.c0 IS TRUE)) AS f1, ((t0.c1 - (t1.c0 IS TRUE)) AND 1) IS TRUE AS flag FROM t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN t0 ON NULL) AS t WHERE flag=1;
      | f1       |
      | 95607293 |
      1 row in set (0.00 sec)

      How to repeat

      The bug can be reproduced from from 10.4.21 to 11.4.1

      CREATE TABLE t0(c0 CHAR(100), c1 BIGINT, c2 REAL UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY(c2, c1, c0));
      CREATE TABLE t1 LIKE t0;
      INSERT INTO t0 VALUES ('1', 95607293, -1);
      SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT (t0.c1 - (t1.c0 IS TRUE)) AS f1 FROM t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN t0 ON NULL) AS t WHERE f1 AND 1;
      SELECT f1 FROM (SELECT (t0.c1 - (t1.c0 IS TRUE)) AS f1, ((t0.c1 - (t1.c0 IS TRUE)) AND 1) IS TRUE AS flag FROM t1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN t0 ON NULL) AS t WHERE flag=1;




            Unassigned Unassigned
            Shiyang Ye Shiyang Ye
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