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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-334

[backport] Implement UNION ALL without usage of a temporary table (MWL#44)



      Currently when any union operation is executed the rows received from its
      operands are always sent to a temporary table. Meanwhile for a UNION ALL
      operation that is used at the top level of a query without an ORDER BY clause it
      is not necessary. In this case the rows could be sent directly to the client.
      The goal of this task is to provide such an implementation of UNION ALL
      operation that would not use temporary table at all in certain, most usable cases.


      1. Handling union operations in MySQL Server
        1.1. Specifics of MySQL union operations
        1.2 Validation of union units
        1.3 Execution of union units
      2. Optimizations improving performance of  UNION ALL operations 
        2.1 Execution of UNION ALL without temporary table
        2.2. Avoiding unnecessary copying
        2.3 Optimizing execution of a union unit with a mix of UNION/UNION ALL
      3. Other possible optimizations for union units

      1. Handling union operations in MySQL Server

      1.1. Specifics of MySQL union operations

      UNION and UNION ALL are the only set operations supported by MySQL Server. MySQL
      allows us to use these operations in a sequence, one after another. For example
      the following queries are accepted by the MySQL Server:

        (select a1,b1,c1 from t1 where a1=b1) union
          (select a2,b2,c2 from t2 where a2!=b2) union 
            (select a3,b3,c3 from t3 where a3>b3);                        (1)
        (select a1,b1,c1 from t1 where a1=b1) union all
          (select a2,b2,c2 from t2 where a2!=b2) union all 
            (select a3,b3,c3 from t3 where a3>b3);                        (2)
      Any mix of UNION and UNION ALL is also acceptable:
        (select a1,b1,c3 from t1 where a1=b1) union
          (select a2,b2,c3 from t2 where a2!=b2) union all 
            (select a3,b3,c3 from t3 where a3>b3);                        (3)
        (select a1,b1,c1 from t1 where a1=b1) union all
          (select a2,b2,c2 from t2 where a2!=b2) union  
            (select a3,b3,c3 from t3 where a3>b3);                        (4)

      It should be noted that query (4) is equivalent to query (1). At the same time
      query (3) is not equivalent to any of the queries (1),(2),(4).
      In general any UNION ALL in a sequence of union operations can be equivalently
      substituted for UNION if there occur another UNION further in the sequence.
      MySQL does not accept nested unions. For example the following valid SQL query
      is considered by MySQL Server as erroneous:

       ((select a1,b1 from t1 where a1=b1) union (select a2,b2 from t2 where a2!=b2))  
       union all 
       ((select a3,b3 from t3 where a3=b3) union (select a4,b4 from t4 where a4!=b4))

      A sequence of select constructs separated by UNION/UNION ALL is called 'union
      unit' if it s not a part of another such sequence.
      A union unit can be executed as a query. It also can be used as a subquery.
      A union unit can be optionally appended by an ORDER BY and/or LIMIT construct.
      In this case it cannot be used as a subquery.

      1.2 Validation of union units

      When the parser stage is over the further processing of a union unit is
      performed by the function mysql_union.
      The function first validate the unit in the method SELECT_LEX_UNIT::prepare.
      The method first validates each of the select constructs of the unit and then it
      checks that all select are compatible. The method checks that the selects return
      the same number of columns and for each set of columns with the same number k
      there is a type to which the types of the columns can be coerced. This type is
      considered as the type of column k of the result set returned by the union unit.
      For example, if in the query (1) the columns b1, b2 and b3 are of the types int,
      bigint and double respectively then the second column of the union unit will be
      of the type double. If the types of the columns c1,c2,c3 are specified as
      varchar(10), varchar(20), varchar(10) then the type of the corresponding column
      of the result set will be varchar(20). If the columns have different collations
      then a collation from which all these collations can be derived is looked for
      and it is assigned as the
      collation of the third column in the result set.
      After compatibility of the corresponding select columns has been checked and the
      types of the columns from of the result set have been determined the method
      SELECT_LEX_UNIT::prepare creates a temporary table to store the rows of the
      result set for the union unit. Currently rows returned by the selects from the
      union unit are always written into a temporary table. To force selects to send
      rows to this temporary table SELECT_LEX_UNIT::prepare creates JOIN objects for
      the selects such that the JOIN::result field refers to an object of the class
      select_union. All selects from a union unit share the same select_union object.

      1.3 Execution of union units

      After SELECT_LEX_UNIT::prepare has successfully validated the union unit, has
      created a temporary table as a container for rows from the result sets returned
      by the selects of the unit, and has prepared all data structures needed for
      execution, the function mysql_union invokes SELECT_LEX_UNIT::exec.
      The method SELECT_LEX_UNIT::exec processes the selects from the union unit one
      by one.
      Each select first is optimized with JOIN::optimize(), then it's executed with
      JOIN::exec().The result rows from each select are sent to a temporary table.
      This table accumulates all rows that are to be returned by the union unit. For
      UNION operations duplicate rows are not added, for UNION ALL operations all
      records are added. It is achieved by enabling and disabling usage of the unique
      index defined on all fields of the temporary table. The index is never used if
      only UINION ALL operation occurs in the unit. Otherwise it is enabled before
      the first select is executed and disabled after the last UNION operation.
      To send rows to the temporary table the method select_union::send_data is used.
      For a row it receives from the currently executed select the method first stores
      the fields of the row in in the fields of the record buffer of the temporary
      table. To do this the method calls function fill_record. All needed type
      conversions of the field values are performed when they are stored the record
      buffer. After this the method select_union::send_data calls the ha_write_row
      handler function to write the record from the buffer to the temporary table. A
      possible error on duplicate key that occurs with an attempt to write a duplicate
      row is ignored.
      After all rows received from all selects have been placed into the temporary
      table the method SELECT_LEX_UNIT::exec calls mysql_select that reads rows
      from the temporary table and sends them to the output stream (to the client). If
      there is an ORDER BY clause to be applied to result of the union unit then the
      rows read from the temporary table have to be sorted first.

      2. Optimizations improving performance of UNION ALL operations

      The following three optimizations are proposed to be implemented in the
      framework of this task.

      2.1 Execution of UNION ALL without temporary table

      If a union unit with only UNION ALL operations is used at the top level of the
      query (in other words it's not used as a subquery) and is not appended with an
      ORDER BY clause then it does not make sense to send rows received from selects
      to a temporary table at all. After all needed type conversions have been done
      the row fields could be sent directly into the output stream. It would improve
      the performance of UNION ALL operations since writing to the temporary table and
      reading from it would not be needed anymore. In the cases when the result set is
      big enough and the temporary table cannot be allocated in the main memory the
      performance gains would be significant. Besides, the client could get the first
      result rows at once as it would not have to wait until all selects have been
      To make an UNION ALL operation not to send rows to a temporary table we could
      provide the JOIN objects created for the selects from the union unit with an
      interceptor object that differs from the one they use now. In the current code
      they use an object of the class select_union derived from the
      select_result_interceptor class. The new interceptor object of the class that
      we'll call select_union_send (by analogy with the class select_send) shall
      inherit from the select_union and shall have its own implementations of the
      virtual methods send_data, send_fields, and send_eof.
      The method send_data shall send fields received from selects to the record
      buffer of the temporary table and then from this buffer to the output stream.
      The method send_fields shall send the format of the rows to the client before it
      starts getting records from the first select , while the method send_eof shall
      signal about the end of the rows after the last select finishes sending records.
      The method create_result_table of the class select_union shall be re-defined
      as virtual. The implementation of this method for the class select_union_send
      shall call select_union::create_result_table and then shall build internal
      structures needed for select_unionsend::send_data. So, the definition of the
      class select_union_send should look like this:

        class select_union_send :public select_union
          ...                  // private structures
          select_union_send() :select_union(), ...{...}
          bool send_data(List<Item> &items);
          bool send_fields(List<Item> &list, uint flags);
          bool create_result_table(THD *thd, List<Item> *column_types,
                                         bool is_distinct, ulonglong options,
                                         const char *alias); 

      2.2. Avoiding unnecessary copying

      If a field does not need type conversion it does not make sense to send it to a
      record buffer. It can be sent directly to the output stream. Different selects
      can require type conversions for different columns.
      Let's provide each select from the union unit with a data structure (e.g. a
      bitmap) that says what fields require conversions, and what don't . Before
      execution of a select this data structure must be passed to the
      select_union_send object shared by all selects from the unit. The info in this
      structure will tell select_union_send::send_data what fields should be sent to
      the record buffer for type conversion and what can be sent directly to the
      output stream. In this case another variant of the fill_record procedure is
      needed that would take as parameter the info that says what fields are to be
      stored in the record buffer.

      2.3 Optimizing execution of a union unit with a mix of UNION/UNION ALL

      If a union unit with a mix of UNIIN/UNION ALL operations and without ORDER BY is
      used at the top level of a query then any UNION ALL operation after the last
      UNION operation can be executed in more efficient way than it's done in the
      current implementation. More exactly, the rows from any select that follows
      after the second operand of the last UNION operations could be sent directly to
      the output stream. In this case two interceptor objects have to be created: one,
      of the type select_union, is shared by the selects for which UNION operations
      are performed, another, of the type select_union_send, is shared by the the
      remaining selects. For this optimization the method SELECT_LEX_UNIT::exec is to
      undergo a serious re-work.

      3. Other possible optimizations for union units

      The following optimizations are not supposed to be implemented in the framework
      this task.
      1. For a union unit containing only UNION ALL with an ORDER BY send rows from
      selects directly to the sorting procedure.
      2. For a union unit at the top level of the query without ORDER BY clause send
      any row received from an operand of a UNION operation directly to the output
      stream as soon as it has been checked by a lookup in the temporary table that
      it's not a duplicate.
      3. Not to use temporary table for any union unit used in EXIST or IN subquery.


        Issue Links


            rjames Rick James added a comment -

            I thought I heard that 5.6 has the optimization.

            rjames Rick James added a comment - I thought I heard that 5.6 has the optimization.

            it was added only in 5.7

            serg Sergei Golubchik added a comment - it was added only in 5.7

            Everything OK.

            It would be better to change some comments to our style (see e-mail).

            sanja Oleksandr Byelkin added a comment - Everything OK. It would be better to change some comments to our style (see e-mail).


              igor Igor Babaev
              ratzpo Rasmus Johansson (Inactive)
              2 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue



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