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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-32785

background innodb stats recalculation causing incorrect rowcounts during multiple row insert statement




      During a multi-row table insert being executed in one thread, another thread executing dict_stats_update_persistent() is observed to increment ib_table->stat_n_rows for the table being inserted into.

      Steps to reproduce.

      launch the server normally, repeatedly execute

      DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `comments`;
      CREATE TABLE `comments` (
          `id` INTEGER,
          `id2` INTEGER,
          `article_id` INTEGER,
          `article_id2` INTEGER,
          `author_id` INTEGER,
          `votes` INTEGER,
          `body` TEXT,
          `published` BOOLEAN,
          PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
          KEY `comments_article_id` (`article_id`, `article_id2`),
          KEY `comments_top_comments_sort` (`votes`, `id`)
      DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `comments_i18n`;
      CREATE TABLE `comments_i18n` (
          `locale` VARCHAR(255),
          `model` VARCHAR(255),
          `foreign_key` INTEGER,
          `field` VARCHAR(255),
          `content` TEXT,
          PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
          UNIQUE KEY `comments_I18N_LOCALE_FIELD` (`locale`, `model`, `foreign_key`, `field`),
          KEY `comments_I18N_FIELD` (`model`, `foreign_key`, `field`)
      INSERT INTO `comments` (`id`, `id2`, `article_id`, `article_id2`, `author_id`, `votes`, `body`, `published`) VALUES
          (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 1),
          (2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 1),
          (3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 1),
          (4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 4, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 0),
          (5, 6, 2, 3, 1, 10, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 1),
          (6, 7, 2, 3, 1, 9, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 1),
          (7, 8, 2, 3, 2, 8, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 1),
          (8, 9, 2, 3, 2, 7, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 0);
      INSERT INTO `comments_i18n` (`locale`, `model`, `foreign_key`, `field`, `content`) VALUES
          ('de_DE', 'Comments', 1, 'body', 'Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern'),
          ('de_DE', 'Comments', 2, 'body', 'Der schnelle braune Fuchs springt ĂĽber den faulen Hund'),
          ('de_DE', 'Comments', 5, 'body', 'Fix Schwyz! quäkt Jürgen blöd vom Paß'),
          ('de_DE', 'Comments', 6, 'body', 'Quod erat demonstrandum.');
      set optimizer_trace='enabled=on';
          TopComments.id AS TopComments__id,
          TopComments.article_id AS TopComments__article_id,
          TopComments.body AS TopComments__body,
          TopComments.votes AS TopComments__votes,
          TopComments_body_translation.id AS TopComments_body_translation__id,
          TopComments_body_translation.content AS TopComments_body_translation__content
          comments TopComments
          comments_i18n TopComments_body_translation ON (
              TopComments_body_translation.model = 'Comments'
              AND TopComments_body_translation.field = 'body'
              AND TopComments_body_translation.locale = 'de_DE'
              AND TopComments.id = TopComments_body_translation.foreign_key
      WHERE (
          TopComments.article_id in (1, 2)
          AND TopComments.id in (
                  __ranked__TopComments.id AS id
              FROM (
                      TopComments.id AS TopComments__id,
                      TopComments.article_id AS TopComments__article_id,
                      TopComments.body AS TopComments__body,
                      TopComments.votes AS TopComments__votes,
                      TopComments.id AS id,
                          ROW_NUMBER() OVER (
                              PARTITION BY
                              ORDER BY
                                  TopComments.votes DESC,
                                  TopComments.id ASC
                      ) AS __row_number,
                      TopComments_body_translation.id AS TopComments_body_translation__id,
                      TopComments_body_translation.content AS TopComments_body_translation__content
                      comments TopComments
                  INNER JOIN
                      comments_i18n TopComments_body_translation ON (
                          TopComments_body_translation.model = 'Comments'
                          AND TopComments_body_translation.field = 'body'
                          AND TopComments_body_translation.locale = 'de_DE'
                          AND TopComments.id = TopComments_body_translation.foreign_key
                      TopComments.article_id in (1, 2)
                  __ranked__TopComments.__row_number <= 3
      ORDER BY
          TopComments.votes DESC,
          TopComments.id ASC;
      DROP TABLE `comments`;
      DROP TABLE `comments_i18n`;

      perhaps with

      for (( i = 1; i <= 1000; i ++ ))
          echo "attempt $i"
          mariadb test < see_above.sql
          if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then break; fi
          sleep 0.05

      A separate bug (to be fixed in MDEV-31793) will cause the server to crash when given an incorrect row count for the table comments. There are 8 rows inserted above.

      Running the server like this

      rr record sql/mariadbd

      will not trigger the bug, but

      rr record -h sql/mariadbd

      will eventually.

      setting a watch point on ib_table->stat_n_rows for the table comments we see this value incremented here

      #0  dict_table_n_rows_inc (table=0x50472c05c020) at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/storage/innobase/include/dict0dict.inl:339
      #1  0x0000558b42259274 in row_insert_for_mysql (mysql_rec=0x50472c0653b0 "\200\001", prebuilt=0x50472c0dad70, ins_mode=ROW_INS_NORMAL) at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/storage/innobase/row/row0mysql.cc:1400
      #2  0x0000558b4208786f in ha_innobase::write_row (this=0x50472c060be0, record=0x50472c0653b0 "\200\001") at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/storage/innobase/handler/ha_innodb.cc:7821
      #3  0x0000558b41c6e197 in handler::ha_write_row (this=0x50472c060be0, buf=0x50472c0653b0 "\200\001") at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/sql/handler.cc:7827
      #4  0x0000558b418041be in write_record (thd=0x50472c000d58, table=0x50472c06f6d8, info=0x3b36249c35d0, sink=0x0) at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/sql/sql_insert.cc:2213
      #5  0x0000558b41800b32 in mysql_insert (thd=0x50472c000d58, table_list=0x50472c0a1830, fields=..., values_list=..., update_fields=..., update_values=..., duplic=DUP_ERROR, ignore=false, result=0x0)
          at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/sql/sql_insert.cc:1156
      #6  0x0000558b4185797d in mysql_execute_command (thd=0x50472c000d58, is_called_from_prepared_stmt=false) at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/sql/sql_parse.cc:4581
      #7  0x0000558b4186394f in mysql_parse (thd=0x50472c000d58,
          rawbuf=0x50472c057ec0 "INSERT INTO `comments` (`id`, `id2`, `article_id`, `article_id2`, `author_id`, `votes`, `body`, `published`) VALUES\n    (1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 1),\n    (2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 'Lorem i
      psum dolor sit amet', 1),\n    (3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 3, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 1),\n    (4, 5, 1, 2, 2, 4, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 0),\n    (5, 6, 2, 3, 1, 10, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 1),\n    (6, 7, 2, 3, 1, 9, 'Lorem i
      psum dolor sit amet', 1),\n    (7, 8, 2, 3, 2, 8, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 1),\n    (8, 9, 2, 3, 2, 7, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 0)", length=571, parser_state=0x3b36249c3f30)
          at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/sql/sql_parse.cc:8027

      in the rr trace recorded this value transitions from 0 to 1, 1 to 2, 2 to 3 in thread 2

      then 3 to 4 at

      #0  dict_stats_update_persistent (table=0x50472c05c020) at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats.cc:3022
      #1  0x0000558b4240ea3f in dict_stats_update (table=0x50472c05c020, stats_upd_option=DICT_STATS_RECALC_PERSISTENT) at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats.cc:4076
      #2  0x0000558b42415d19 in dict_stats_process_entry_from_recalc_pool (thd=0x1e9d400795a8) at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats_bg.cc:343
      #3  0x0000558b42415fa6 in dict_stats_func () at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/storage/innobase/dict/dict0stats_bg.cc:382
      #4  0x0000558b424ca4fc in tpool::thread_pool_generic::timer_generic::run (this=0x558b4510b930) at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:344
      #5  0x0000558b424ca635 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::timer_generic::execute (arg=0x558b4510b930) at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:364
      #6  0x0000558b424cf1c1 in tpool::task::execute (this=0x558b4510b970) at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/tpool/task.cc:37
      #7  0x0000558b424c8c07 in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x558b44e479d0, thread_var=0x558b44e48010) at /home/rex/src/mariadb/server.11.0/tpool/tpool_generic.cc:583

      in thread 11

      then (back in thread 2/dict_table_n_rows_inc() ) from 4 to 5, 5 to 6, 6 to 7, 7 to 8, finally 8 to 9.


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              Johnston Rex Johnston
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