
    • Task
    • Status: Open (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
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      A tool that helps to adjust config files after MariaDB is upgraded.

      It can list all options that are no longer recognized by the server, suggest replacements, if any.
      It could also edit files in place (when requested), removing, commenting out, or adding loose- prefix to such options.

      Also it could check for invalid values of enum/set variables.

      To parse all files it could use my_print_defaults, the list of supported options could be hard-coded or extracted from mariadbd --help and such.

      perl/python or C/C++ ? C or C++ is probably more portable for windows.

      For code how to parse options like !include, check mysys/my_defaults.c

      Suggested options:

      • No options: List unknown server options on stdout (those that would prevent the server from starting).
      • --update
        • Update the my.cnf file in place (and all files included with !include or !includedir)
      • --backup
        • Store modified files as backup (for example my.cnf-backup)
      • --current-version=... (for example --current-version=mysqld-5.7)
        • Section to use for unknown options, see --mode
          • The purpose of --current-version is to enable the tool to create a config file that will work for both MySQL and MariaDB at
            the same time. In this case, options that works for both MySQL and MariaDB should use the section [mysqld]. MySQL unique options should be under [mysqld-5.7] and MariaDB specific options
            would be under [mariadbd].
      • --edit=...
        • Select what to do with unknown options. List of suggested mode options:
          • remove Remove unoption
          • comment Add # before option
          • inline-old-version Add ['current-version'] before the option and [mysqld] afterwards. 'curent-version' is the tag specified with --current-version=...
          • last-old-version Move all unknown version last in the file with [old-version] before.
      • --print
        • Print converted file on stdout. In this case all !include and !includedir files should be included.

      We need both inline- and last- as some options may depend on their place in the config file.

      The tool should also be prepared for special handling of some specific options.

      Note that MariaDB don't have the audit_log plugin (Percona Server).
      Instead MariaDB has a server_audit plugin which takes different options.
      If the tool notice that 'audit_plugin' is used, it should suggest one to use the server_audit plugin instead.;
      This is only supported in MariaDB 10.11 and above. If used with an earlier MariaDB version it would be good to get a note that this is supported in 10.11.6 and above.

      As a reference, here are some common config options found in Percona server that is not in MariaDB:


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            danblack Daniel Black added a comment -

            First concept to show incorrect options:


            declare -a opts
            declare -a maybebad
            declare -a isbad
            readarray -t opts  < <( my_print_defaults --mysqld )
            while ! mariadbd --no-defaults "${opts[@]}" --help --verbose > /dev/null 2>&1 
            	maybebad+=( "${opts[-1]}" )
            	unset "opts[-1]"
            while [ ${#maybebad[@]} -gt 0 ]
            	opts+=( "${maybebad[-1]}" )
            	unset "maybebad[-1]"
            	if ! mariadbd --no-defaults "${opts[@]}" --help --verbose > /dev/null 2>&1 
            		isbad+=( "${opts[-1]}" )
            		unset "opts[-1]"
            echo Good options: "${opts[@]}"
            echo Bad options: "${isbad[@]}"


            Good options: --table_open_cache=17384 --max_connections=150 --datadir=/home/dan/mariadb-datadir --slow_query_log_file=/home/tom/x.slow
            Bad options: --bababa=foo

            danblack Daniel Black added a comment - First concept to show incorrect options: #!/bin/bash   declare -a opts declare -a maybebad declare -a isbad   readarray -t opts < <( my_print_defaults --mysqld )   while ! mariadbd --no-defaults "${opts[@]}" --help --verbose > /dev/null 2>&1 do maybebad+=( "${opts[-1]}" ) unset "opts[-1]" done   while [ ${#maybebad[@]} -gt 0 ] do opts+=( "${maybebad[-1]}" ) unset "maybebad[-1]" if ! mariadbd --no-defaults "${opts[@]}" --help --verbose > /dev/null 2>&1 then isbad+=( "${opts[-1]}" ) unset "opts[-1]" fi done   echo Good options: "${opts[@]}" echo Bad options: "${isbad[@]}" Example: ./ Good options: --table_open_cache=17384 --max_connections=150 --datadir=/home/dan/mariadb-datadir --slow_query_log_file=/home/tom/x.slow Bad options: --bababa=foo

            Great first version.
            Some comments:

            • This will probably not work on windows (bash)
            • It will not work for anyone wanting to create an automatic script that will migratate MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB.

            What I would like to see in the final script/tool:

            • Option to list 'bad options' (like above)
            • Be able to run it on an existing config files and print the resulting config file.
            • In this case we should move 'bad' options' in the 'server' or 'mysqld' section to [mysqld-5.7] (user specified) to the end of the script or add a #not-in-mariadb comment before them. The benefit of using [mysqld-5.7] is that the config files would be usable both by MariaDB and MySQL.
            • Be able to run it on all config file and fix them inplace.
            • When pointing to a config file for automatic conversion, support the '!include" and "!includedir" options.

            When it comes to fixing things inplace, check out the replace tool. It does this and also has optimization to not change files that does not need conversion.

            monty Michael Widenius added a comment - Great first version. Some comments: This will probably not work on windows (bash) It will not work for anyone wanting to create an automatic script that will migratate MySQL 5.7 to MariaDB. What I would like to see in the final script/tool: Option to list 'bad options' (like above) Be able to run it on an existing config files and print the resulting config file. In this case we should move 'bad' options' in the 'server' or 'mysqld' section to [mysqld-5.7] (user specified) to the end of the script or add a #not-in-mariadb comment before them. The benefit of using [mysqld-5.7] is that the config files would be usable both by MariaDB and MySQL. Be able to run it on all config file and fix them inplace. When pointing to a config file for automatic conversion, support the '!include" and "!includedir" options. When it comes to fixing things inplace, check out the replace tool. It does this and also has optimization to not change files that does not need conversion.
            danblack Daniel Black added a comment -

            note MDEV-26923 Check all invalid config options #2935

            danblack Daniel Black added a comment - note MDEV-26923 Check all invalid config options #2935
            wlad Vladislav Vaintroub added a comment - - edited

            mysql_upgrade_service.exe (windows upgrade tool) has edited my.ini to remove invalid options for a while now, itself. Without suggestions, it removed known outdated options. It did not support "!include" , but neither our nor MySQL installer use any includes on Windows

            wlad Vladislav Vaintroub added a comment - - edited mysql_upgrade_service.exe (windows upgrade tool) has edited my.ini to remove invalid options for a while now, itself. Without suggestions, it removed known outdated options. It did not support "!include" , but neither our nor MySQL installer use any includes on Windows

            As noted in MDEV-33503, replacing some parameters will involve some arithmetics. An example: If innodb_log_files_in_group was specified, then it must be removed and innodb_log_file_size be multiplied by that number. If no innodb_log_file_size had been specified but a default value was being used, then it gets trickier. I think that in that case, it would be easiest to issue a warning. In that way, the tool will not have to remember the default innodb_log_file_size in different server versions.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - As noted in MDEV-33503 , replacing some parameters will involve some arithmetics. An example: If innodb_log_files_in_group was specified, then it must be removed and innodb_log_file_size be multiplied by that number. If no innodb_log_file_size had been specified but a default value was being used, then it gets trickier. I think that in that case, it would be easiest to issue a warning. In that way, the tool will not have to remember the default innodb_log_file_size in different server versions.

            Another example from MDEV-33503 is that innodb_stats_sample_pages should be renamed to innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages. That we can do independent of server version.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - Another example from MDEV-33503 is that innodb_stats_sample_pages should be renamed to innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages . That we can do independent of server version.


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