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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-31067

selectivity_from_histogram >1.0 for col=const on DOUBLE_PREC_HB histogram




      This is a public part of TODO-3823.

      For certain data distributions, histogram code can produce selectivity>1.0 for a column=const equality on a DOUBLE_PREC_HB histogram (I think one can achieve the same on SINGLE_PREC_HB, the point is that it's not JSON_HB histogram).

      create table t10 (a int);
      -- Fill the table, will provide INSERTs below
      analyze table t10 persistent for all;

      set optimizer_trace=1;
      explain select * from t10  where a in (91303);
      | id   | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows  | filtered | Extra       |
      |    1 | SIMPLE      | t10   | ALL  | NULL          | NULL | NULL    | NULL | 99840 |   100.00 | Using where |

      select json_detailed(json_extract(trace, '$**.selectivity_for_columns')) from information_schema.optimizer_trace\G
      *************************** 1. row ***************************
      json_detailed(json_extract(trace, '$**.selectivity_for_columns')): [
                  "column_name": "a",
                  ["91303 <= a <= 91303"],
                  "selectivity_from_histogram": 18.28543534

      INSERTs (synthetic data):

      create table bucket(a int);  # This holds how many rows we hold in a bucket.
      insert into bucket select 1 from seq_1_to_780;
      create table one_third_of_bucket(a int);  # one-third of a bucket
      insert into one_third_of_bucket select 1 from seq_1_to_260;
      create table t10 (a int);
      insert into t10 select 0 from bucket, seq_1_to_4;
      insert into t10 select 8693 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 8694 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 8695 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 34783 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 34784 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 34785 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 34785 from bucket, seq_1_to_8;
      insert into t10 select 65214 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 65215 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 65216 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 65216 from bucket, seq_1_to_52;
      insert into t10 select 65217 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 65218 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 65219 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 65219 from bucket;
      insert into t10 select 73913 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 73914 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 73915 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 73915 from bucket, seq_1_to_40;
      insert into t10 select 78257 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 78258 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 78259 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 91300 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 91301 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 91302 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 91302 from bucket, seq_1_to_6;
      insert into t10 select 91303 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 91304 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 91305 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 91305 from bucket, seq_1_to_8;
      insert into t10 select  99998 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select  99999 from one_third_of_bucket;
      insert into t10 select 100000 from one_third_of_bucket;


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              psergei Sergei Petrunia
              psergei Sergei Petrunia
              1 Vote for this issue
              7 Start watching this issue



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