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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-30269

Remove rpl_semi_sync_[master,slave] plugin keyword usage in code



      According to the documentation of rpl_semi_sync_slave, this option is removed and indeed -result

      show variables like 'rpl_semi_sync_slave%';
      Variable_name	Value
      rpl_semi_sync_slave_delay_master	OFF
      rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled	OFF
      rpl_semi_sync_slave_kill_conn_timeout	5
      rpl_semi_sync_slave_trace_level	32

      However there is usage of this variable in functions is_semi_sync_slave() and Repl_semi_sync_slave::request_transmit()

      inline bool is_semi_sync_slave()
        int null_value;
        long long val= 0;
        get_user_var_int("rpl_semi_sync_slave", &val, &null_value);
        return val;

      It should be changed with rpl_semi_sync_slave_enabled (KB)see Repl_semi_sync_slave::init_object().


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            bnestere can you please confirm the bug?
            I will assign to myself to fix it.

            anel Anel Husakovic added a comment - bnestere can you please confirm the bug? I will assign to myself to fix it.

            Indeed, I agree. Can you investigate rpl_semi_sync_master as well? I also see it as removed in the documentation, yet I see it used in mysql-test/suite/sys_vars/t/all_vars.test (same with slave).

            bnestere Brandon Nesterenko added a comment - Indeed, I agree. Can you investigate rpl_semi_sync_master as well? I also see it as removed in the documentation, yet I see it used in mysql-test/suite/sys_vars/t/all_vars.test (same with slave).

            Reviewed PRs 2528 and 2380 with the suggestion to combine them, otherwise they both look good.

            bnestere Brandon Nesterenko added a comment - Reviewed PRs 2528 and 2380 with the suggestion to combine them, otherwise they both look good.


              anel Anel Husakovic
              anel Anel Husakovic
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