Status: Open (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
I don't see anything wrong with the behavior, so I guess it's just a documentation point; but I'm filing it referring to the general definition of the feature "whenever timestamp tampering works, insert should too".
if (! `SELECT @@secure_timestamp = 'NO'`) |
--die # We want unsecure timestamp for this exercise |
create database db; |
create table db.t (a int, s timestamp(6) as row start, e timestamp(6) as row end, period for system_time(s,e)) with system versioning; |
create user historian@localhost; |
grant select, delete on db.t to historian@localhost; |
grant insert (a) on db.t to historian@localhost; |
set @@timestamp= unix_timestamp('2022-01-01'); |
insert into t (a) values (1); |
set @@timestamp= unix_timestamp('2023-12-31'); |
delete from t where a = 1; |
set @@timestamp= default; |
select * from t for system_time all; |
set system_versioning_insert_history= on; |
insert into t (a,s,e) values (2,'2022-01-01','2023-12-31'); |
# Cleanup
--disconnect con1
--connection default
drop database db; |
drop user historian@localhost; |
bb-10.11-MDEV-16546 87fca0525 |
mysqltest: At line 24: query 'insert into t (a,s,e) values (2,'2022-01-01','2023-12-31')' failed: ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR (1143): INSERT command denied to user 'historian'@'localhost' for column 's' in table 't' |
So, if the user only has INSERT privilege on the normal column a, inserting directly into versioning columns is prohibited (seems natural).
But generating history via @@timestamp change still works – and again, technically there is nothing wrong there, the user has a permission to modify the timestamp and they only insert into the allowed column.
Issue Links
- is caused by
MDEV-16546 System versioning setting to allow history modification
- Closed