Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
10.4(EOL), 10.5, 10.6, 10.7(EOL), 10.8(EOL), 10.9(EOL), 10.10(EOL)
--source include/
--source include/
# Cleanup
10.4 392ee571 |
2022-07-02 18:49:09 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Table `test`.`t` contains unrecognizable instant ALTER metadata
2022-07-02 18:49:09 8 [ERROR] InnoDB: Table `test`.`t` does not exist in the InnoDB internal data dictionary though MariaDB is trying to drop it. Have you copied the .frm file of the table to the MariaDB database directory from another database? Please refer to for how to resolve the issue.
10.6 debug 0c62b6d5 |
2022-07-02 18:51:45 0 [ERROR] InnoDB: Table `test`.`t` contains unrecognizable instant ALTER metadata
mariadbd: /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/dict/ dict_table_t* dict_load_table_one(const st_::span<const char>&, dict_err_ignore_t, dict_names_t&): Assertion `!table || (ignore_err & ~DICT_ERR_IGNORE_FK_NOKEY) || !table->is_readable() || !table->corrupted' failed.
220702 18:51:45 [ERROR] mysqld got signal 6 ;
#7 0x00007f601af0f662 in __GI___assert_fail (assertion=0x55c02d2839b0 "!table || (ignore_err & ~DICT_ERR_IGNORE_FK_NOKEY) || !table->is_readable() || !table->corrupted", file=0x55c02d282240 "/data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/dict/", line=2464, function=0x55c02d283620 "dict_table_t* dict_load_table_one(const st_::span<const char>&, dict_err_ignore_t, dict_names_t&)") at assert.c:101
No locals.
#8 0x000055c02cc11b70 in dict_load_table_one (name=@0x7f5fcb7fd350: {data_ = 0x7f60149bc15d "test/t", size_ = 6}, ignore_err=DICT_ERR_IGNORE_FK_NOKEY, fk_tables=std::deque with 0 elements) at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/dict/
pcur = {btr_cur = {index = 0x55c02e8c8198, page_cur = {index = 0x0, rec = 0x7f601456426b "test/t", offsets = 0x0, block = 0x7f6014535410}, purge_node = 0x0, left_block = 0x0, thr = 0x0, flag = BTR_CUR_BINARY, tree_height = 1, up_match = 1, up_bytes = 0, low_match = 0, low_bytes = 0, n_fields = 0, n_bytes = 0, fold = 0, path_arr = 0x0, rtr_info = 0x0}, latch_mode = 1, old_stored = false, old_rec = 0x0, old_n_core_fields = 0, old_n_fields = 0, rel_pos = 0, block_when_stored = {m_block = 0x0, m_page_id = {m_id = 0}}, modify_clock = 0, pos_state = BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED, search_mode = PAGE_CUR_GE, trx_if_known = 0x0, old_rec_buf = 0x0, buf_size = 0}
mtr = {m_start = true, m_commit = true, m_freeing_tree = false, m_last = 0x0, m_last_offset = 0, m_log_mode = 0, m_modifications = 0, m_made_dirty = 0, m_inside_ibuf = 0, m_trim_pages = 0, m_user_space_id = 0, m_memo = {m_heap = 0x0, m_list = {<ilist<mtr_buf_t::block_t, void>> = {sentinel_ = {next = 0x7f5fcb7fcda0, prev = 0x7f5fcb7fcda0}}, size_ = 1}, m_size = 0, m_first_block = {<ilist_node<void>> = {next = 0x7f5fcb7fcd80, prev = 0x7f5fcb7fcd80}, m_buf_end = 0, m_magic_n = 375767, m_data = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\001", '\000' <repeats 15 times>, "\001\000\000\000\300U\000\000\000\316\177\313_\177\000\000p\316\177\313\201\000\000\000p\316\177\313_\177\000\000@m\201\032`\177\000\000\220\316\177\313_\177\000\000\267$\200,\300U\000\000 \000\000\000\000\000\000\000x\033\000\300_\177\000\000\030\002\000\000\000\000\000\000\030\002\000\000\202\000\000\000\"\000\000\000_\177\000\000@m\201\032\201\000\000\000x\033\000\300_\177\000\000\300\270^.\300U\000\000@\230\210\031`\177\000\000\210\274\210\031`\177\000\000@m\201\032`\177\000\000p\316\177\313_\177\000\000\001", '\000' <repeats 15 times>, "\030\002", '\000' <repeats 14 times>..., m_used = 0}}, m_log = {m_heap = 0x0, m_list = {<ilist<mtr_buf_t::block_t, void>> = {sentinel_ = {next = 0x7f5fcb7fcfe0, prev = 0x7f5fcb7fcfe0}}, size_ = 1}, m_size = 0, m_first_block = {<ilist_node<void>> = {next = 0x7f5fcb7fcfc0, prev = 0x7f5fcb7fcfc0}, m_buf_end = 0, m_magic_n = 375767, m_data = "hv\201\032`\177\000\000hv\201\032`\177\000\000\020\016\000\000\000\000\000\000\030\334\326,\300U\000\000@\320\177\313_\177\000\000D\335\326,\300U\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000@wy.\300U\000\000`\320\177\313_\177\000\000\030\334\326,\300U\000\000p\320\177\313_\177\000\000\220\335\326,\300U\000\000\220\320\177\313_\177\000\000@wy.\300U\000\000\220\320\177\313_\177\000\000\266@\327,\300U\000\000\320\320\177\313_\177\000\000@\f\210-\300U\000\000\340\320\177\313_\177\000\000\312K\327,\300U\000\000\256\345\000\000\000\000\000\000PSS\024\304\000\000\000\060\274&-\300U\000\000@\f\210-\300U\000\000PSS\024`\177\000\000\000"..., m_used = 0}}, m_user_space = 0x0, m_commit_lsn = 0, m_freed_space = 0x0, m_freed_pages = 0x0}
_db_stack_frame_ = {func = 0x55c02d2dbbc0 "?func", file = 0x55c02d2dbbc6 "?file", level = 2147483649, line = -1, prev = 0x0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "dict_table_t* dict_load_table_one(const st_::span<const char>&, dict_err_ignore_t, dict_names_t&)"
sys_index = 0x55c02e8c8198
dfield = {data = 0x7f60149bc15d, ext = 0, spatial_status = 0, len = 6, type = {prtype = 0, mtype = 4, len = 654, mbminlen = 0, mbmaxlen = 0}}
tuple = {info_bits = 0, n_fields = 1, n_fields_cmp = 1, fields = 0x7f5fcb7fca70, n_v_fields = 0, v_fields = 0x0, magic_n = 65478679}
rec = 0x7f601456426b "test/t"
table = 0x7f5fc0001f58
heap = 0x7f5fc0002918
index_load_err = DICT_ERR_IGNORE_FK_NOKEY
#9 0x000055c02cc11e1d in dict_sys_t::load_table (this=0x55c02d882280 <dict_sys>, name=@0x7f5fcb7fd350: {data_ = 0x7f60149bc15d "test/t", size_ = 6}, ignore=DICT_ERR_IGNORE_FK_NOKEY) at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/dict/
fk_list = std::deque with 0 elements
table = 0x7f5fcb7fd2a0
#10 0x000055c02cc12289 in dict_load_table_on_id (table_id=18, ignore_err=DICT_ERR_IGNORE_FK_NOKEY) at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/dict/
rec = 0x7f60149bc155 ""
id_buf = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\022"
pcur = {btr_cur = {index = 0x55c02e8c8ad8, page_cur = {index = 0x0, rec = 0x7f60149bc155 "", offsets = 0x0, block = 0x7f60145435f0}, purge_node = 0x0, left_block = 0x0, thr = 0x0, flag = BTR_CUR_BINARY, tree_height = 1, up_match = 1, up_bytes = 0, low_match = 0, low_bytes = 0, n_fields = 0, n_bytes = 0, fold = 0, path_arr = 0x0, rtr_info = 0x0}, latch_mode = 1, old_stored = false, old_rec = 0x0, old_n_core_fields = 27968, old_n_fields = 0, rel_pos = 0, block_when_stored = {m_block = 0x0, m_page_id = {m_id = 0}}, modify_clock = 0, pos_state = BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED, search_mode = PAGE_CUR_GE, trx_if_known = 0x0, old_rec_buf = 0x0, buf_size = 0}
field = 0x7f60149bc15d "test/t"
len = 6
mtr = {m_start = true, m_commit = false, m_freeing_tree = false, m_last = 0x0, m_last_offset = 0, m_log_mode = 0, m_modifications = 0, m_made_dirty = 0, m_inside_ibuf = 0, m_trim_pages = 0, m_user_space_id = 0, m_memo = {m_heap = 0x0, m_list = {<ilist<mtr_buf_t::block_t, void>> = {sentinel_ = {next = 0x7f5fcb7fd500, prev = 0x7f5fcb7fd500}}, size_ = 1}, m_size = 32, m_first_block = {<ilist_node<void>> = {next = 0x7f5fcb7fd4e0, prev = 0x7f5fcb7fd4e0}, m_buf_end = 0, m_magic_n = 375767, m_data = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000 \000\000\000\300U\000\000\360\065T\024`\177\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000P\332\177\313_\177\000\000\022>\253,\300U\000\000\005\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\310`\215.\300U\000\000\300h\216.\300U\000\000ha\215.\300U\000\000@\211{\033`\177\000\000\b\326\177\313_\177\000\001\001\001\000\313_\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\324\003\f", '\000' <repeats 13 times>, "\300\325\177\313_\177\000\000\300\325\177\313\000\000\000\000h\"\362,\300U\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\350\257\355,\300U\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\360\325\177\313_\177\000\000D\335\326,\000\000\001\000\020\326\177\313_\177\000\000"..., m_used = 32}}, m_log = {m_heap = 0x0, m_list = {<ilist<mtr_buf_t::block_t, void>> = {sentinel_ = {next = 0x7f5fcb7fd740, prev = 0x7f5fcb7fd740}}, size_ = 1}, m_size = 0, m_first_block = {<ilist_node<void>> = {next = 0x7f5fcb7fd720, prev = 0x7f5fcb7fd720}, m_buf_end = 0, m_magic_n = 375767, m_data = "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000A\v\372\032`\177\000\000\240\327\177\313_\177\000\000\367\006\201,\300U\000\000\220\201\201\032`\177\000\000\070_`.\300U\000\000\300\327\177\313_\177\000\000\320\361Z.\300U\000\000\360\327\177\313_\177\000\000\227\310\201,\300U\000\000@m\201\032`\177\000\000`\225+.\300U\000\000\060\330\177\313_\177\000\000\243\331\177,\000\000\000\000\320\361Z.\300U\000\000@\260\177\032`\177\000\000@\022\221\032`\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\020\330\177\313_\177\000\000\244^\201,\300U\000\000\270u\201\032`\177\000\000@m\201\032`\177\000\000\060\330\177\313_\177\000\000<\"\201,\300U\000\000hv\201\032`\177\000\000"..., m_used = 0}}, m_user_space = 0x0, m_commit_lsn = 0, m_freed_space = 0x0, m_freed_pages = 0x0}
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "dict_table_t* dict_load_table_on_id(table_id_t, dict_err_ignore_t)"
sys_table_ids = 0x55c02e8c8ad8
dfield = {data = 0x7f5fcb7fd4b8, ext = 0, spatial_status = 0, len = 8, type = {prtype = 0, mtype = 4, len = 8, mbminlen = 0, mbmaxlen = 0}}
tuple = {info_bits = 0, n_fields = 1, n_fields_cmp = 1, fields = 0x7f5fcb7fd360, n_v_fields = 0, v_fields = 0x0, magic_n = 65478679}
table = 0x0
#11 0x000055c02cc042a9 in dict_table_open_on_id<true> (table_id=18, dict_locked=false, table_op=DICT_TABLE_OP_NORMAL, thd=0x55c02ec10418, mdl=0x55c02e8d6308) at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/dict/
table = 0x0
#12 0x000055c02cab34f9 in row_purge_parse_undo_rec (node=0x55c02e8d6168, undo_rec=0x55c02e8e6a60 "", thr=0x55c02e8d60c8, updated_extern=0x7f5fcb7fda82) at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/row/
clust_index = 0x55c02cab5425 <std::deque<trx_purge_rec_t, std::allocator<trx_purge_rec_t> >::pop_front()+69>
undo_no = 4
table_id = 18
roll_ptr = 140049412774464
info_bits = 203 '\313'
type = 10
ptr = 0x55c02e8e6a65 "\001\347"
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool row_purge_parse_undo_rec(purge_node_t*, trx_undo_rec_t*, que_thr_t*, bool*)"
trx_id = 18446744073709551615
#13 0x000055c02cab3e85 in row_purge (node=0x55c02e8d6168, undo_rec=0x55c02e8e6a60 "", thr=0x55c02e8d60c8) at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/row/
updated_extern = false
#14 0x000055c02cab403c in row_purge_step (thr=0x55c02e8d60c8) at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/row/
purge_rec = {undo_rec = 0x55c02e8e6a60 "", roll_ptr = 1688849880777191}
node = 0x55c02e8d6168
#15 0x000055c02ca29b01 in que_thr_step (thr=0x55c02e8d60c8) at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/que/
node = 0x55c02e8d6168
old_thr = 0x55c02e8d60c8
trx = 0x7f6015550080
type = 13
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "que_thr_t* que_thr_step(que_thr_t*)"
#16 0x000055c02ca29d71 in que_run_threads_low (thr=0x55c02e8d60c8) at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/que/
next_thr = 0x55c02e8d60c8
trx = 0x7f6015550080
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void que_run_threads_low(que_thr_t*)"
#17 0x000055c02ca29e85 in que_run_threads (thr=0x55c02e8d60c8) at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/que/
trx = 0x7f6015550080
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void que_run_threads(que_thr_t*)"
#18 0x000055c02caf4db7 in srv_task_execute () at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/srv/
thr = 0x55c02e8d60c8
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "bool srv_task_execute()"
#19 0x000055c02caf5327 in purge_worker_callback () at /data/src/10.6/storage/innobase/srv/
__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "void purge_worker_callback(void*)"
ctx = 0x7f5fc0000b60
thd = 0x55c02ec10418
#20 0x000055c02ccd00c4 in tpool::task_group::execute (this=0x55c02e30fce0 <purge_task_group>, t=0x55c02e30f900 <purge_worker_task>) at /data/src/10.6/tpool/
lk = {_M_device = 0x55c02e30fd10 <purge_task_group+48>, _M_owns = false}
#21 0x000055c02ccd03e0 in tpool::task::execute (this=0x55c02e30f900 <purge_worker_task>) at /data/src/10.6/tpool/
No locals.
#22 0x000055c02ccc970d in tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main (this=0x55c02e7a25a0, thread_var=0x55c02e7b1b40) at /data/src/10.6/tpool/
task = 0x55c02e30f900 <purge_worker_task>
#23 0x000055c02cccfe64 in std::__invoke_impl<void, void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(tpool::worker_data*), tpool::thread_pool_generic*, tpool::worker_data*> (__f=@0x7f5ff4001cb8: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55c02ccc9678 <tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main(tpool::worker_data*)>, __t=@0x7f5ff4001cb0: 0x55c02e7a25a0) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/invoke.h:73
No locals.
#24 0x000055c02cccfd54 in std::__invoke<void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(tpool::worker_data*), tpool::thread_pool_generic*, tpool::worker_data*> (__fn=@0x7f5ff4001cb8: (void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(tpool::thread_pool_generic * const, tpool::worker_data *)) 0x55c02ccc9678 <tpool::thread_pool_generic::worker_main(tpool::worker_data*)>) at /usr/include/c++/10/bits/invoke.h:95
No locals.
#25 0x000055c02cccfc87 in std::thread::_Invoker<std::tuple<void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(tpool::worker_data*), tpool::thread_pool_generic*, tpool::worker_data*> >::_M_invoke<0ul, 1ul, 2ul> (this=0x7f5ff4001ca8) at /usr/include/c++/10/thread:264
No locals.
#26 0x000055c02cccfc24 in std::thread::_Invoker<std::tuple<void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(tpool::worker_data*), tpool::thread_pool_generic*, tpool::worker_data*> >::operator() (this=0x7f5ff4001ca8) at /usr/include/c++/10/thread:271
No locals.
#27 0x000055c02cccfc08 in std::thread::_State_impl<std::thread::_Invoker<std::tuple<void (tpool::thread_pool_generic::*)(tpool::worker_data*), tpool::thread_pool_generic*, tpool::worker_data*> > >::_M_run (this=0x7f5ff4001ca0) at /usr/include/c++/10/thread:215
No locals.
#28 0x00007f601b2cced0 in ?? () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
No symbol table info available.
#29 0x00007f601b3dbea7 in start_thread (arg=<optimized out>) at pthread_create.c:477
ret = <optimized out>
pd = <optimized out>
unwind_buf = {cancel_jmp_buf = {{jmp_buf = {140049412777728, 5024322719675952871, 140050651368094, 140050651368095, 140049412775488, 8396800, -4970166275466219801, -4937690529880101145}, mask_was_saved = 0}}, priv = {pad = {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0}, data = {prev = 0x0, cleanup = 0x0, canceltype = 0}}}
not_first_call = 0
#30 0x00007f601afd8def in clone () at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/clone.S:95
Couldn't reproduce on 10.3.