Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
10.5, 10.6, 10.3(EOL), 10.4(EOL), 10.7(EOL), 10.8(EOL), 10.9(EOL), 10.10(EOL)
2022-06-10 22:45:20 8 [Warning] Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. The statement is unsafe because it uses a LIMIT clause. This is unsafe because the set of rows included cannot be predicted Statement: UPDATE t1 SET c1=REPEAT('xyz',85), c2=REPEAT(c1, 100) ORDER by c1 LIMIT 2
Please add a "." after "predicted" and before "Statement" ("predicted. Statement\:") to increase legibility for users.
While doing the change also propose to change "since" to "as". Thanks