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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-28671

Presentation of aliases in `mariadbd --verbose --help` is highly redundant




      There are many mariadbd command-line options and system variables which have aliases or alternate names:

      In some cases (e.g. --old-alter-table vs. --alter-algorithm), some of the names are deprecated.

      In other cases (e.g. --tmp-memory-table-size vs. --tmp-table-size), there's no clear distinction in terms of deprecation/preference.

      In all cases, the options/variable are listed multiple times in the mariadb --verbose --help output, with:

      • Almost entirely redundant content.
      • No consistent way in which the aliases or other names are presented.

      In order to simplify the documentation, it would be beneficial to combine the listing of these options in the verbose help text.

      Examples of how options with multiple names are shown now

      $ mariadbd --verbose --help
                            Specify the alter table algorithm. One of: DEFAULT, COPY,
                            INPLACE, NOCOPY, INSTANT
                            Alias for alter_algorithm. Deprecated. Use
                            --alter-algorithm instead.. One of: DEFAULT, COPY, 
                            INPLACE, NOCOPY, INSTANT
                            If an internal in-memory temporary table exceeds this
                            size, MariaDB will automatically convert it to an on-disk
                            MyISAM or Aria table. Same as tmp_table_size.
        --tmp-table-size=#  Alias for tmp_memory_table_size. If an internal in-memory
                            temporary table exceeds this size, MariaDB will
                            automatically convert it to an on-disk MyISAM or Aria

      How these should be shown

      This format will considerably shorten the verbose help output, enable users to quickly recognize aliases, and identify which of those aliases are deprecated.

      $ mariadbd --verbose --help
        --old-alter-table[=name]    (Deprecated)
                            Specify the alter table algorithm. One of: DEFAULT, COPY,
                            INPLACE, NOCOPY, INSTANT
                            If an internal in-memory temporary table exceeds this
                            size, MariaDB will automatically convert it to an on-disk
                            MyISAM or Aria table.


        1. a.patch
          37 kB
          Alice Sherepa

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