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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-27419

MariaDB doesn't choose DESC index for ORDER BY DESC when MySQL does




      MySQL's WL#1074 mentions a limitation:

      when user has two indexes, one ASC and another DESC over the same column, optimizer won't necessary will be able to pick the right index

      I suppose it applies to MariaDB as well, even though MDEV-13756 doesn't say so.

      However, there might still be room for improvement. At least in some cases MySQL is able to pick up the DESC index out of two, while MariaDB isn't:

      # Remove the include if you run the test on MySQL 8.0
      --source include/have_innodb.inc
      create table t (a int, key aa(a), key ad(a desc)) engine=InnoDB;
      insert into t values (1),(5),(2),(8),(4),(6),(7),(9),(3);
      explain select * from t order by a desc;
      flush status;
      select * from t order by a desc;
      show status like 'Handler_read%';
      # Cleanup
      drop table t;

      MariaDB preview-10.8-MDEV-13756-desc-indexes 43444ff5

      explain select * from t order by a desc;
      id	select_type	table	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	Extra
      1	SIMPLE	t	index	NULL	aa	5	NULL	9	Using index
      Handler_read_first	0
      Handler_read_key	0
      Handler_read_last	1
      Handler_read_next	0
      Handler_read_prev	9
      Handler_read_retry	0
      Handler_read_rnd	0
      Handler_read_rnd_deleted	0
      Handler_read_rnd_next	0

      MySQL 8.0.23

      explain select * from t order by a desc;
      id	select_type	table	partitions	type	possible_keys	key	key_len	ref	rows	filtered	Extra
      1	SIMPLE	t	NULL	index	NULL	ad	5	NULL	10	100.00	Using index
      Handler_read_first	1
      Handler_read_key	1
      Handler_read_last	0
      Handler_read_next	9
      Handler_read_prev	0
      Handler_read_rnd	0
      Handler_read_rnd_next	0

      ANALYZE/statistics collection doesn't change the outcome.

      Same happens on MariaDB with MyISAM/Aria (ASC index is chosen), but it's not comparable to MySQL because MySQL doesn't support DESC indexes on MyISAM tables.


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              ycp Yuchen Pei
              elenst Elena Stepanova
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