I'm not sure this is a bug or not, because there is no such configuration like auto round points.
I thought it connect to div_precision_increment. but seems not
all test configuration is same
MariaDB [(none)]> show variables like '%prec%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| div_precision_increment | 4 |
MariaDB 10.3.24 && 10.4.14
MariaDB [(none)]> select (55/23244*1000);
| (55/23244*1000) |
| 2.4000 |
select cast( (55/23244*1000) as decimal(5,4));
| cast( (55/23244*1000) as decimal(5,4)) |
| 2.4000 |
MariaDB [(none)]> set div_precision_increment=8;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> select cast( (55/23244*1000) as decimal(5,4));
| cast( (55/23244*1000) as decimal(5,4)) |
| 2.3662 |
MariaDB [(none)]> select (55/23244*1000);
| (55/23244*1000) |
| 2.36620000 |
MariaDB 5.5 ~ 10.3.22
MariaDB [(none)]> show variables like '%prec%';
| Variable_name | Value |
| div_precision_increment | 4 |
MariaDB [(none)]> select (55/23244*1000);
| (55/23244*1000) |
| 2.3662 |
MariaDB [(none)]> select cast( (55/23244*1000) as decimal(5,4));
| cast( (55/23244*1000) as decimal(5,4)) |
| 2.3662 |
Issue Links
- duplicates
MDEV-23762 Strange type-inference/rounding problem since >10.3.23
- Closed
MDEV-23953 Decimal precision
- Closed
- is caused by
MDEV-19232 Floating point precision / value comparison problem
- Closed
- relates to
MDEV-23712 Clarify the description of div_precision_increment
- Closed
This doesn't look like a bug. The intermediate result is
MariaDB [(none)]> select 55/23244;
| 55/23244 |
| 0.0024 |
That is, both argument have zero digits after the dot, plus div_precision_increment=4, so you get 4 digits after the dot. Looks correct.
Earlier versions ignored div_precision_increment in intermediate calculations and this was a bug, as the result was unpredictable, depending on how exactly the optimizer would decide to evaluate the query and where it (or you) would decide to store the intermediate results.