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      Support Parallel Query Execution

      Come on, a decade over due.

      Entire column store is basically pointless. Just support parallel query execution.


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            Hi Matt,

            Thanks for creating this ticket.

            I think first of all it needs to be defined what your view of parallel query execution really is. What parts would you like parallelised and what do you see the advantages are of doing this?

            Typical queries run relatively quickly and you can run queries in parallel in most MariaDB engines. Those queries that don't fit this criteria usually run relatively quickly in ColumnStore.

            You have shared an opinion that ColumnStore is pointless but haven't stated what you don't like about it, without this information we cannot improve on it. We are working towards tighter integration between MariaDB and ColumnStore which you will start to see over the coming months. You are welcome to open feature requests on this (I recommend using the MCOL project for that in Jira).

            If there are use cases where parellisation hits a sweet spot that cannot be hit be ColumnStore, please describe your use case in much more detail and the MariaDB & ColumnStore engineering teams can weigh up the best ways of supporting this.

            Andrew Hutchings
            Software Engineering Manager for ColumnStore.

            LinuxJedi Andrew Hutchings (Inactive) added a comment - Hi Matt, Thanks for creating this ticket. I think first of all it needs to be defined what your view of parallel query execution really is. What parts would you like parallelised and what do you see the advantages are of doing this? Typical queries run relatively quickly and you can run queries in parallel in most MariaDB engines. Those queries that don't fit this criteria usually run relatively quickly in ColumnStore. You have shared an opinion that ColumnStore is pointless but haven't stated what you don't like about it, without this information we cannot improve on it. We are working towards tighter integration between MariaDB and ColumnStore which you will start to see over the coming months. You are welcome to open feature requests on this (I recommend using the MCOL project for that in Jira). If there are use cases where parellisation hits a sweet spot that cannot be hit be ColumnStore, please describe your use case in much more detail and the MariaDB & ColumnStore engineering teams can weigh up the best ways of supporting this. – Andrew Hutchings Software Engineering Manager for ColumnStore.


              Unassigned Unassigned
              mattnet Matt Wegrzyn
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