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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-17934

Make systemd timeout behavior more compatible with longer Galera recovery times



      When Galera is enabled, MariaDB's systemd service executes the "galera_recovery" script as an ExecStartPre operation. See the following:


      The MariaDB systemd service has a default TimeoutStartSec value of 90 seconds, so if this ExecStartPre step takes longer than that, then this can cause startup to fail. For example, see the following failure from a syslog:

      Sep 13 15:48:28 server1 systemd[1]: Starting MariaDB 10.2.16 database server...
      Sep 13 15:49:58 server1 systemd[1]: mariadb.service: Start-pre operation timed out. Terminating.
      Sep 13 15:49:58 server1 systemd[1]: Failed to start MariaDB 10.2.16 database server.
      Sep 13 15:49:58 server1 systemd[1]: mariadb.service: Unit entered failed state.
      Sep 13 15:49:58 server1 systemd[1]: mariadb.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.

      galera_recovery has to perform server startup, so this step can take a while, especially if the server previously crashed, and it has to perform crash recovery. However, it looks like systemd timeouts should have been extended during server startup as part of MDEV-14705. Despite that, server versions with the fix for MDEV-14705 still see timeouts during ExecStartPre. Is it likely that important long-running startup functions were missed?

      See also MDEV-17571 as another case where systemd timeout extensions didn't seem to work as intended.


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              ratzpo Rasmus Johansson (Inactive)
              GeoffMontee Geoff Montee (Inactive)
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