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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-16809

Allow full redo logging for ALTER TABLE



      As part of WL#7277 in MySQL 5.7, redo logging was disabled during ALTER TABLE…ALGORITHM=INPLACE operations that rebuild the table or create indexes (other than spatial indexes).

      In Bug#21796691 INNODB REDO LOG DOES NOT INDICATE WHEN REDO LOGGING IS SKIPPED (MySQL 5.7.9, the first GA release) I introduced the redo log record MLOG_INDEX_LOAD for informing backup tools that the backup may be invalid.

      For deployments where ALTER TABLE operations may be executed concurrently with backup, it would be simpler to keep writing redo log, and not having backups fail, and not need any --lock-ddl-per-table option that makes backup interfere with the normal operation of the server. This would also remove the need to flush dirty pages from the buffer pool before committing the ALTER TABLE operation.

      On the other hand, when bulk loading data (before MDEV-515 is implemented), it can be useful to load the data first, then create secondary indexes. For this use case, omitting the redo logging may be very useful. So, we should have an option that controls whether the redo logging should be disabled.


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            wlad Vladislav Vaintroub added a comment - - edited

            The backup does not have to fail, it still can succeed by re-copying the affected tablespace at the end of backup (this technique necessary on other reasons, e.g when recreating tables see MDEV-16791)

            wlad Vladislav Vaintroub added a comment - - edited The backup does not have to fail, it still can succeed by re-copying the affected tablespace at the end of backup (this technique necessary on other reasons, e.g when recreating tables see MDEV-16791 )

            True, during backup, the MLOG_INDEX_LOAD record could be handled by copying the affected files (or pages) at the end of the backup. Theoretically, it should suffice to only copy the B-tree pages starting from the root page indicated by each MLOG_INDEX_LOAD record. While this extra copying is taking place, the log would still need to be copied. If the operation is a table rebuild (there is a MLOG_INDEX_LOAD record for the clustered index root page, that is, page number 3), then it is simplest to copy the entire file.

            When it comes to MDEV-16791, I believe that for the other cases (files that are renamed or created during the backup) can be handled by processing the already copied redo log in a smarter way, either at the end of mariabackup --backup, or in mariabackup --prepare. All the necessary information should be present in the redo log file.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - True, during backup, the MLOG_INDEX_LOAD record could be handled by copying the affected files (or pages) at the end of the backup. Theoretically, it should suffice to only copy the B-tree pages starting from the root page indicated by each MLOG_INDEX_LOAD record. While this extra copying is taking place, the log would still need to be copied. If the operation is a table rebuild (there is a MLOG_INDEX_LOAD record for the clustered index root page, that is, page number 3), then it is simplest to copy the entire file. When it comes to MDEV-16791 , I believe that for the other cases (files that are renamed or created during the backup) can be handled by processing the already copied redo log in a smarter way, either at the end of mariabackup --backup , or in mariabackup --prepare . All the necessary information should be present in the redo log file.

            Patch looks good to me

            thiru Thirunarayanan Balathandayuthapani added a comment - Patch looks good to me

            Thank you for the review. I wrote a test case, which shows that the redo logging is not correct for ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED:

            # see unsupported_redo.test for the opposite (default) case
            --source include/have_innodb.inc
            --source include/have_sequence.inc
            SET GLOBAL innodb_log_optimize_ddl=OFF;
            INSERT INTO tz(id) select * from seq_1_to_100000;
            INSERT INTO tr(id) select * from seq_1_to_100000;
            INSERT INTO td(id) select * from seq_1_to_100000;
            DELIMITER //;
            CREATE PROCEDURE a()
             ALTER TABLE tz ADD INDEX(i);
             ALTER TABLE tr ADD INDEX(i);
             ALTER TABLE td ADD INDEX(i);
            END //
            DELIMITER ;//
            let $targetdir=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/backup;
            send call a();
            exec $XTRABACKUP --defaults-file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/my.cnf --backup --target-dir=$targetdir;
            exec $XTRABACKUP  --prepare --target-dir=$targetdir;
            -- source include/restart_and_restore.inc
            DROP PROCEDURE a;
            SHOW CREATE TABLE tz;
            SHOW CREATE TABLE tr;
            SHOW CREATE TABLE td;
            CHECK TABLE tz,tr,td;
            SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tz;
            SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tr;
            SELECT COUNT(*) FROM td;
            DROP TABLE tz,tr,td;

            If the ALTER TABLE included ,FORCE (forcing a rebuild), then this may fail due to files being renamed, and not having MDEV-16791 yet.

            If the ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED is not commented out, then the mariabackup --prepare would fail:

            InnoDB: Failing assertion: !page || !page_zip || !fil_page_index_page_check(page)

            I think that we must also test a rebuild of tables that contain BLOBs (and using small innodb_log_file_size). But testing rebuild would be tricky before we have MDEV-16791.

            marko Marko Mäkelä added a comment - Thank you for the review. I wrote a test case, which shows that the redo logging is not correct for ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED : # see unsupported_redo.test for the opposite ( default ) case --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_sequence.inc   SET GLOBAL innodb_log_optimize_ddl= OFF ;   CREATE TABLE tz(id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY , i INT ) ENGINE=InnoDB /*ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED*/ ; INSERT INTO tz(id) select * from seq_1_to_100000; CREATE TABLE tr(id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY , i INT ) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT; INSERT INTO tr(id) select * from seq_1_to_100000; CREATE TABLE td(id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY , i INT ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO td(id) select * from seq_1_to_100000;   DELIMITER //; CREATE PROCEDURE a() BEGIN ALTER TABLE tz ADD INDEX (i); ALTER TABLE tr ADD INDEX (i); ALTER TABLE td ADD INDEX (i); END // DELIMITER ;//   let $targetdir=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/backup;   send call a();   --disable_result_log exec $XTRABACKUP --defaults-file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/my.cnf --backup --target-dir=$targetdir; --enable_result_log exec $XTRABACKUP --prepare --target-dir=$targetdir;   reap;   -- source include/restart_and_restore.inc   DROP PROCEDURE a;   SHOW CREATE TABLE tz; SHOW CREATE TABLE tr; SHOW CREATE TABLE td; CHECK TABLE tz,tr,td; SELECT COUNT (*) FROM tz; SELECT COUNT (*) FROM tr; SELECT COUNT (*) FROM td;   DROP TABLE tz,tr,td; If the ALTER TABLE included ,FORCE (forcing a rebuild), then this may fail due to files being renamed, and not having MDEV-16791 yet. If the ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED is not commented out, then the mariabackup --prepare would fail: InnoDB: Failing assertion: !page || !page_zip || !fil_page_index_page_check(page) I think that we must also test a rebuild of tables that contain BLOBs (and using small innodb_log_file_size ). But testing rebuild would be tricky before we have MDEV-16791 .


              marko Marko Mäkelä
              marko Marko Mäkelä
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