Status: Open (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
Problem :
We keep telling people that the client/server protocol that we use is the same as MySQL's.
We do not test it at all, the only testing that is regularly done for the server is implemented with C/C client that is also owned by us. C/C can have bugs, that can be compensated on the server site.
To fix this problem, we need to implement testing for protocol features. The probably single way to do that is to test server with more than just C/C. Perhaps, ideally we can run unit tests suites of the connectors that are not owned by us on buildbot.
There are several alternatives for choosing the connectors to test server against.
- libmysql by Oracle (or their Connector/C)
- C/J by Oracle
- C/NET by Oracle
- C/NET by comminuty
- C/Python by Oracle (native python mode)
- perl DBI/DBD
- anything else ?
C/J by MariaDB is a viable alternative, not ideal (since it is aware of mariadb features), but still it does run against MySQL server by Oracle regularly, and is not as tied to the server as C/C
Now, to the test suites
- libmysql can be tested with mysql_client_test (part of the server).
- Our C/J can be unittested tested with maven
- describes how to test with their connector
We can also do "program minimum" rather than run "program maximum" (full connector test suites), which is
connect/query with result set or update, same with prepared statement/disconnect.
Issue Links
- relates to
MDBF-203 Ecosystem CI - mysql-connector-python
- Open
MDEV-16347 Integer literal is typed as MYSQL_TYPE_LONG
- Closed
MDEV-24121 Recent MariaDB update appears to have introduced a DB connection issue for PHP < 7.3 (or anything using PDO)
- Closed
MDEV-24134 10.4.16 update breaks python
- Closed
MDEV-31746 Problems with tx_isolation after MDEV-21921
- Closed
MDBF-205 Ecosystem CI - mysql-connector/NET
- Open
MDEV-24146 latest update (10.5.7) breaks communication with spring boot application
- Closed
- links to