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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-11425

Suggestion: Native MariaDB GUI (Business Use License)



      I would like to suggest that MariaDB developes its own native GUI:

      • Mantained by MariaDB Team.
      • Offered directly from its webpage.
      • Which uses a "Bussines Use License" (Simmilar to MaxScale).
      • Offers native support to stored procedure debugging.
      • Simmilar in quality to "MySQL Workbench", "Navicat for MariaDB", etc.
      • Offers native support to all MariaDB Engines.
      • Offers a Python GUI for Programming.
      • Offers an Excel Plug-in (Like Oracle's MySQL) for importing data easily from Excel.

      I personally think this is a critical point to do a good competition to Oracle's MySQL offering, as it reduces the learning curve for an Open Source Database such as MariaDB, and HeidiSQL offering it not good enough in comparison to MySQL Workbench.

      What's more, this would enable MariaDB being the prefered choice by university students (For example) or people who are learning how to use a RDBMS over Oracle's MySQL or Access. And when used by companies (If used more than 3 times such GUI for example) they would have to pay for such software.

      Hope my suggestion is useful.

      Kind regards,



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            Unassigned Unassigned
            Juan Juan Telleria
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