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  1. MariaDB Server
  2. MDEV-11291

Unable to create an index on a connect table (CSV type) which is bigger than 300MB




      I am trying to load a big CSV file (bigger than 1GB) into a connect table and create an index for it.

      I fould if the CSV file is smaller than 200MB, erverything is ok.

      If the CSV file is bigger than 300MB, it will be created successfully and could be displayed by "show index from <tablename>" statement. However the dnx file will cerntainly not be created. Then if I issue "optimize table <tablename>" statement, it will also return a OK message in 0.00 second, but nothing changed and nothing created on disk.

      Another thing I found is that, if you create a connect table with a primary key for a csv file which has not been created on disk, index will also not created on disk even after I insert records into this table.

      Could you please take a look at this issue?

      Thank you very much.

      Jonny Zhu
      Nov.16th, 2016



          jonnyzhu Jonny Zhu added a comment -

          0 second means, I think, the index was not created. If some errors happen, I expect some error messages returned by DB server but got nothing.

          I have this problem on a CentOS7 x64 server. MariaDB was installed by "yum install" command. May I ask you to try the same again on a CentOS system?

          Thank you

          Jonny Zhu

          jonnyzhu Jonny Zhu added a comment - 0 second means, I think, the index was not created. If some errors happen, I expect some error messages returned by DB server but got nothing. I have this problem on a CentOS7 x64 server. MariaDB was installed by "yum install" command. May I ask you to try the same again on a CentOS system? Thank you Jonny Zhu

          Sorry, I have no such system available. Just Windows and Ubuntu.

          bertrandop Olivier Bertrand added a comment - Sorry, I have no such system available. Just Windows and Ubuntu.
          jonnyzhu Jonny Zhu added a comment -

          I understand that you are unable to reproduce the issue on windows platform. But as you can see the log I attached, this issue is happening at a 100% possiblilty on CentOS7 platform.

          Coud you please let me know what I can do with it? Any suggestion would be good reference.


          jonnyzhu Jonny Zhu added a comment - I understand that you are unable to reproduce the issue on windows platform. But as you can see the log I attached, this issue is happening at a 100% possiblilty on CentOS7 platform. Coud you please let me know what I can do with it? Any suggestion would be good reference. Jonny
          jonnyzhu Jonny Zhu added a comment -

          Has anybody of you a centos enviorment? I guess your team are also supporting MariaDB on CentOS platform, besides windows and ubuntu. And... I just tried, that it tooks no more than 30 min to install a new CenOS system with an empty MariaDB in a VMware / Hyper-V virtual machine.

          jonnyzhu Jonny Zhu added a comment - Has anybody of you a centos enviorment? I guess your team are also supporting MariaDB on CentOS platform, besides windows and ubuntu. And... I just tried, that it tooks no more than 30 min to install a new CenOS system with an empty MariaDB in a VMware / Hyper-V virtual machine.
          alice Alice Sherepa added a comment - [Note] may be related to https://jira.mariadb.org/browse/MDEV-12551


            bertrandop Olivier Bertrand
            jonnyzhu Jonny Zhu
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