
    • Sub-Task
    • Status: In Testing (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • 2021-3, 2021-4, 2021-5, 2021-6, 2021-7, 2021-8, 2021-9, 2021-10, 2021-11, 2021-12, 2021-16, 2021-17, 2022-22, 2022-23, 2023-4, 2023-5, 2023-6, 2023-7, 2023-8, 2023-10, 2023-11, 2023-12, 2024-2



        drrtuy Roman added a comment -

        MCS data segment, dict and misc files are made of S3 object files.
        The ownership mechanism is a relative slow file lock that syncs MCS data file operations races in SM. To change a value in a column, WE opens a file, that triggers open op in SM. SM checks or requests ownership using the mentioned file locks.
        The mechanism must be transferred into FoundationDB.
        The granularity must be reduced from MCS data file path to dbroot file path to reduce a number of kv pairs stored in FDB to implement ownership.

        drrtuy Roman added a comment - MCS data segment, dict and misc files are made of S3 object files. The ownership mechanism is a relative slow file lock that syncs MCS data file operations races in SM. To change a value in a column, WE opens a file, that triggers open op in SM. SM checks or requests ownership using the mentioned file locks. The mechanism must be transferred into FoundationDB. The granularity must be reduced from MCS data file path to dbroot file path to reduce a number of kv pairs stored in FDB to implement ownership.


          denis0x0D Denis Khalikov (Inactive)
          julien.fritsch Julien Fritsch
          Roman Roman
          0 Vote for this issue
          3 Start watching this issue



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