Status: Stalled (View Workflow)
Resolution: Unresolved
2024-1, 2024-2, 2025-1
MCOL-4580 is doing extent elimination only for TEXT data type. We should do the same for CHAR where n > 8.
create table test.t1 (id int, name char(12)) engine=columnstore;
insert into test.t1 values (1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c'), (4, 'd'), (5, 'e'), (6, 'f'), (7, 'g'), (8, 'h'), (9, 'i');
SELECT calsettrace(1);
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM test.t1 WHERE name > 'z';
COUNT( * )
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.016 sec)
MariaDB [test]> SELECT calgettrace(1) \G
calgettrace(1): DSS: pDictionaryScan ses:7 txn:0 ver: SCN: 2
Txns: st:0 alias: t1 tb/col:3000/3003 (0x7f22d88d8240) nf:1 in:ses:7 st: 0 finished at Tue Apr 2 10:22:36 2024; PhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-1; MsgsSent-1; MsgsRcvd-1; output size-0
MsgBytesIn-0KB; MsgBytesOut-0B
1st read 2024-04-02 10:22:36.673934; EOI 2024-04-02 10:22:36.673946; runtime-0.000012s
Job completion status 0
TBPS: TupleBPS ses:7 txn:0 ver: SCN: 2
Txns: st:1 tb/col:3000/3002 alias:t1 not del (0x7f22d88d5a00) nf:0 in:
UUID: e5b262a3-e747-46c9-ab90-3a8087cf9f3f
Query UUID: 28dd0fa7-20e4-481c-8bb6-b2f672683f71
- scan driven
1 filter steps:
ColumnCommandJL: 0 filters, BOP=0, colwidth=8 oid=3002 name=name (scan) (tokens)
2 projection steps:
PassThruCommandJL: colwidth=8 oid=3002 colName=name
ColumnCommandJL: 0 filters, BOP=0, colwidth=8 oid=3002 name=name (tokens)
ses:7 st: 1 finished at 2024-04-02 10:22:36.679175; PhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-3; MsgsSent-1; MsgsRvcd-1; BlocksTouched-3; BlockedFifoIn/Out-0/0; output size-1
PartitionBlocksEliminated-0; MsgBytesIn-0KB; MsgBytesOut-0KB; TotalMsgs-1
1st read 2024-04-02 10:22:36.674936; EOI 2024-04-02 10:22:36.679160; runtime-0.004224s
UUID e5b262a3-e747-46c9-ab90-3a8087cf9f3f
Query UUID 28dd0fa7-20e4-481c-8bb6-b2f672683f71
Job completion status 0
THJS: TupleHashJoinStep ses:7 st:2 in tb/col:0/3003 (0x7f22d88d8240) in *tb/col:0/0 (0x7f22d88d46c0)
out tb/col:0/100 (0x7f22d88d5a00)
PM join (0)
TAS: ses:7 st: 3 finished at Tue Apr 2 10:22:36 2024; total rows returned-1
1st read 2024-04-02 10:22:36.679231; EOI 2024-04-02 10:22:36.679236; runtime-0.000005s;
UUID b24e7a20-bd27-4c2d-a711-a4db32355731
Job completion status 0
TNS: ses:7 st: 4 finished at Tue Apr 2 10:22:36 2024; total rows returned-1
1st read 2024-04-02 10:22:36.679354; EOI 2024-04-02 10:22:36.679367; runtime-0.000013s;
UUID 36e2c506-d208-47f5-bdc4-b18b5b2faa67
Job completion status 0
1 row in set (0.000 sec)
MariaDB [test]> show warnings;
Level Code Message
Note 9999 Query Stats: MaxMemPct-0; NumTempFiles-0; TempFileSpace-0B; ApproxPhyI/O-0; CacheI/O-4; BlocksTouched-4; PartitionBlocksEliminated-0; MsgBytesIn-0B; MsgBytesOut-0B; Mode-Distributed
1 row in set (0.000 sec)
Expected result:
Look for BlocksTouched (should be zero) and PartitionBlocksEliminated (should be non-zero)
Issue Links
- relates to
MCOL-4580 Extent's approximate range keeping for dictionaries
- Closed