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  1. MariaDB ColumnStore
  2. MCOL-5480

LDI loads values incorrectly for MEDIUMINT, TIME and TIMESTAMP when cpimport is used for batch insert


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed (View Workflow)
    • Blocker
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 23.02.4
    • DMLProc
    • None


      Build tested: 23.02.02 and drone build #7534 for develop branch

      The issue happens only when running "load data infile" and with "set columnstore_use_import_for_batchinsert = on;". INSERT, UPDATE, as well as stand alone cpimport do not have this issue.

      [rocky8:root@rocky8~]# cat /data/qa/shares/mcol271/t.dat
      1000|2020-08-13 03:14:07|
      MariaDB [mytest]> create table t (cmediumint mediumint, ctimestamp timestamp) engine=columnstore;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.160 sec)
      MariaDB [mytest]> set columnstore_use_import_for_batchinsert = off;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
      MariaDB [mytest]> load data infile "/data/qa/shares/mcol271/t.dat" into table t fields terminated by "|";
      Query OK, 1 row affected (0.189 sec)                 
      Records: 1  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 0  Warnings: 0
      MariaDB [mytest]> select * from t;
      | cmediumint | ctimestamp          |
      |       1000 | 2020-08-13 03:14:07 |
      1 row in set (0.062 sec)
      MariaDB [mytest]> set columnstore_use_import_for_batchinsert = on;
      Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.001 sec)
      MariaDB [mytest]> load data infile "/data/qa/shares/mcol271/t.dat" into table t fields terminated by "|";
      ERROR 9999 (HY000): Values saturated 0% of stage done
      MariaDB [mytest]> select * from t;
      | cmediumint | ctimestamp          |
      |       1000 | 2020-08-13 03:14:07 |
      |    8388607 | 1998-01-04 21:28:32 |
      2 rows in set (0.039 sec)
      MariaDB [mytest]> exit
      [rocky8:root@rocky8~]# cpimport mytest t /data/qa/shares/mcol271/t.dat
      Locale = en_US.UTF-8
      Using table OID 3102 as the default JOB ID
      Input file(s) will be read from : /root
      Job description file : /var/log/mariadb/columnstore/data/bulk/tmpjob/3102_D20230420_T201905_S392114_Job_3102.xml
      Log file for this job: /var/log/mariadb/columnstore/cpimport/Job_3102.log
      2023-04-20 20:19:05 (14371) INFO : successfully loaded job file /var/log/mariadb/columnstore/data/bulk/tmpjob/3102_D20230420_T201905_S392114_Job_3102.xml
      2023-04-20 20:19:05 (14371) INFO : Job file loaded, run time for this step : 0.0217612 seconds
      2023-04-20 20:19:05 (14371) INFO : PreProcessing check starts
      2023-04-20 20:19:05 (14371) INFO : input data file /data/qa/shares/mcol271/t.dat
      2023-04-20 20:19:05 (14371) INFO : PreProcessing check completed
      2023-04-20 20:19:05 (14371) INFO : preProcess completed, run time for this step : 0.00960803 seconds
      2023-04-20 20:19:05 (14371) INFO : No of Read Threads Spawned = 1
      2023-04-20 20:19:05 (14371) INFO : No of Parse Threads Spawned = 3
      2023-04-20 20:19:05 (14371) INFO : For table mytest.t: 1 rows processed and 1 rows inserted.
      2023-04-20 20:19:06 (14371) INFO : Bulk load completed, total run time : 1.03288 seconds
      [rocky8:root@rocky8~]# mariadb mytest
      Reading table information for completion of table and column names
      You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
      Welcome to the MariaDB monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
      Your MariaDB connection id is 32
      Server version: 10.6.12-7-MariaDB-enterprise MariaDB Enterprise Server
      Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
      Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
      MariaDB [mytest]> select * from t;
      | cmediumint | ctimestamp          |
      |       1000 | 2020-08-13 03:14:07 |
      |    8388607 | 1998-01-04 21:28:32 |
      |       1000 | 2020-08-13 03:14:07 |
      3 rows in set (0.045 sec)


        Issue Links


            Data type TIME also has this issue

            Value '11:58:28" would be loaded as "838:59:59".

            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) added a comment - Data type TIME also has this issue Value '11:58:28" would be loaded as "838:59:59".

            For QA: This issue is caused by a bug in the processing of MEDIUMINT datatype in the plugin code. So if the LDI is performed on a signed/unsigned MEDIUMINT datatype along with other datatypes in the LDI, the other columns also get impacted. In testing, if you just use TIMESTAMP or TIME datatypes or both, the LDI works fine. I have added test cases to MTR that test various combinations of LDI that include load of signed/unsigned MEDIUMINT datatypes in isolation as well as with other datatypes.

            tntnatbry Gagan Goel (Inactive) added a comment - For QA: This issue is caused by a bug in the processing of MEDIUMINT datatype in the plugin code. So if the LDI is performed on a signed/unsigned MEDIUMINT datatype along with other datatypes in the LDI, the other columns also get impacted. In testing, if you just use TIMESTAMP or TIME datatypes or both, the LDI works fine. I have added test cases to MTR that test various combinations of LDI that include load of signed/unsigned MEDIUMINT datatypes in isolation as well as with other datatypes.

            Build verified: develop branch

            engine: d083650f759152db639cab52cab530f06d7e36d9
            server: 805750b3a90ed4aecbf475025e63674aaab7f7f7
            buildNo: 7906

            Verified the test case above as well as MTR test case "mysql-test/columnstore/bugfixes/mcol-5480.test".

            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) added a comment - Build verified: develop branch engine: d083650f759152db639cab52cab530f06d7e36d9 server: 805750b3a90ed4aecbf475025e63674aaab7f7f7 buildNo: 7906 Verified the test case above as well as MTR test case "mysql-test/columnstore/bugfixes/mcol-5480.test".


              tntnatbry Gagan Goel (Inactive)
              dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive)
              Roman Roman
              Daniel Lee Daniel Lee (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue



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