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  1. MariaDB ColumnStore
  2. MCOL-5338

BRM_savesB_journal not found -timeout ?


    • 2023-12, 2024-1


      Columnstore has internal metadata deltas stored in a file called BRM_saves_journal.
      By default every 100K BRM changes a new BRM_saves version is saved. Starting with BRM_savesA then BRM_savesB. The current version is tracked in BRM_saves_current.

      The problem occurs when the system BRM_saves_current=BRM_savesB and the system inproperly shutdown or cant complete. On startup, the system complains

      Dec  6 19:44:02 ip-10-111-0-54 python3: Error reading data1/systemFiles/dbrm/BRM_savesB_journal: No such file or directoryError reading
      Dec  6 19:44:02 ip-10-111-0-54 python3: data1/systemFiles/dbrm/BRM_savesB_journal: No such file or directory


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            Assigning it to David.Hall for engineer assignment and schedule

            dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive) added a comment - Assigning it to David.Hall for engineer assignment and schedule
            alan.mologorsky Alan Mologorsky added a comment - - edited

            Here it is the guide to manually increase timeout:

            1. stop the cluster if running
            2. change the TimeoutStopSec value to 900 in /usr/lib/systemd/system/mcs-workernode@.service
            3. run sudo systemctl daemon-reload --all
            4. check the timeout changed by running command sudo systemctl show mcs-workernode@1.service -p TimeoutStopUSec
            5. start cluster
            alan.mologorsky Alan Mologorsky added a comment - - edited alexey.vorovich Here it is the guide to manually increase timeout: stop the cluster if running change the TimeoutStopSec value to 900 in /usr/lib/systemd/system/mcs-workernode@.service run sudo systemctl daemon-reload --all check the timeout changed by running command sudo systemctl show mcs-workernode@1.service -p TimeoutStopUSec start cluster


              alan.mologorsky Alan Mologorsky
              allen.herrera Allen Herrera
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