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  1. MariaDB ColumnStore
  2. MCOL-4434

LDI multiple-byte table without specifying character set loads garbage


    • Bug
    • Status: Open (View Workflow)
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 5.5.1
    • Icebox
    • DDLProc
    • None


      Build tested: 5.5.1 (Drone 1265)

      This issue was identified during testing for MCOL-2000.

      MariaDB [mytest]> load data infile '/tmp/t.txt' into table mcol2000utf8 columns terminated by "|";
      Query OK, 3 rows affected, 18 warnings (0.406 sec)
      Records: 3 Deleted: 0 Skipped: 0 Warnings: 18
      MariaDB [mytest]> select * from mcol2000utf8;
      c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10 c11
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      3 ç¾ ç¾Ž 美国福æ ç¾ ç¾Ž 美国福æ 美国福æ-¯æ-°é—»æ——下 美国福æ-¯æ-°é—»æ——下位于纽约 美国福æ-¯æ-°é—»æ——下位于纽约的第5 美国福æ-¯æ-°é—»æ——下位于纽约的第5é¢'é"报导, 美国福æ-¯æ-°é—»æ——下位于纽约的第5é¢'é"报导,美国福æ-¯æ-°
      The work around is to specify character set.
      load data infile '/tmp/t.txt' into table mcol2000utf8 character set utf8 columns terminated by "|";
      The same LDI test worked on InnoDB table without specifying character set.

      t.txt file attached to this ticket.


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              dleeyh Daniel Lee (Inactive)
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