Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
create table chineseCS (english varchar(20), chinese varchar(20)) engine=innodb DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci engine=columnstore;
load data infile "/home/calpont/t.tbl" into table chineseCS character set utf8mb4 fields terminated by "|";
select * from chineseCS;
english | chinese |
Abhorrent | NULL |
Adamant | NULL |
Agony | NULL |
Antsy | NULL |
Appall | NULL |
5 rows in set (0.146 sec)
But using traditional insert, it works:
truncate table chineseCS;
insert into chineseCS values ("Abhorrent","可惡的"),("Adamant","精金"),("Agony","痛苦"),("Antsy","螞蟻"),("Appall","驚恐");
select * from chineseCS;
english | chinese |
Abhorrent | 可惡的 |
Adamant | 精金 |
Agony | 痛苦 |
Antsy | 螞蟻 |
Appall | 驚恐 |
5 rows in set (0.157 sec)
Note, MariaDB 10.5 has a default utf8mb4 character set. All I did was create the table and it used the default character set, a character set that is apparently not supported. That seems less than ideal to me, and it violates the policy of least surprise.