Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
amazon ec2 centos 7
virtualbox cento7
2016-22, 2016-23
Was planning on setting up out Amazon AMI to be a non-root install and continued to get errors when I tried to launch. Then tried to run on regular centos7 VM, and get the same error. The same binary package works as root user install
Will test to see of problem happens on other OSs
The issue is postConfigure fails at starting up the system, single serve install
Log files point to an messaging error were a procmon thread isnt servicing the API request to get/set status. And this procmon and provmgr reports failures cauings the system not to start
Starting MariaDB Columnstore Database Platform
MariaDB Columnstore Database Platform Starting, please wait ... FAILED
ERROR: MariaDB Columnstore Process failed to start, check log files in /var/log/mariadb/columnstore
Nov 11 14:16:46 centos7 oamcpp[729]: 46.839496 |0|0|0| E 08 CAL0000: getSystemStatus: final exception: API Failure return in getSystemStatus write API
Nov 11 14:16:46 centos7 oamcpp[729]: 46.839584 |0|0|0| E 08 CAL0000: getSystemStatus: write exception: InetStreamSocket::connect: connect() error: Connection refused to: InetStre
Nov 8 03:31:27 centos7 messagequeue[4076]: 27.538974 |0|0|0| W 31 CAL0071: InetStreamSocket::read: timeout during readToMagic: socket read error: Success; InetStreamSocket: sd:
Tried a 2 node combined install, local disk on centos 7. Everything goes well until starting up the cluster. The script fails because the rsync command is using the root user rather than my test user mcs:
----- Starting MariaDB Columnstore on local server -----
MariaDB Columnstore successfully started
MariaDB Columnstore Database Platform Starting, please wait ....... DONE
Run MariaDB Columnstore Replication Setup.. ERROR: Error return in running the MariaDB Columnstore Master DB Distribute, check /tmp/master-dist.logs on pm1
MariaDB Columnstore Install Failed
log file is:
rsync -vopgr -e ssh --exclude=mysql/ --exclude=test/ --exclude=infinidb_vtable/ --exclude=infinidb_querystats/ --exclude=calpontsys/ --include=/ --include=/* --exclude=* /home/mcs/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/db/ root@
ESC]0;mcs@centos7:~^GESC[?1034h[mcs@centos7 ~]$ rsync -vopgr -e ssh --exclude=mysql/ --exclude=test/ --exclude=infinidb_vtable/ --exclude=infinidb_querystats/ --exclude=calpontsys/ --include=/ - ^M-include=/* --exclude=* /home/mcs/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/db/ root@
root@'s password:
Permission denied, please try again.^M
root@'s password: FAILED: Invalid password
i.e. it is incorrectly trying to use root rather than my mcs user