Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Fixed
2020-4, 2020-5
Sometime when running PostConfigure, it will exit with:
"MariaDB Server is currently running on PID 1. Cannot run postConfigure whilst this is running. Exiting.."
even though mysqld is not running.
QA: It may not break for you. PostConfigure uses a system call to 'pidof' to determine if mysqld is running. It streams the result of the call into a buffer as a string, then converts that string to a number. If > 0, then mysqld is already running. The problem is, the buffer was not zeroed out, so if mysqld is not running, what ever happens to be in that buffer is used for the pid. In many cases, that will be 0 and nothing breaks. But, sometimes it's other than zero and it falsely assumes mysqld is running and thus exits.