Builds verified: 1.4.4-1 source, 1.5.0-1 BB
commit ec0071afa50b78930860a14802b8cfc9791f7d13
Author: Sergei Petrunia <>
Date: Thu Mar 26 01:26:39 2020 +0300
MDEV-21887: federatedx crashes on SELECT ... INTO query in select_handler code
commit 6e953d01d268161ac50dabb6aa9a122ed1d43e0f
Merge: 4468c93 ba06727
Author: Gagan Goel <>
Date: Thu Mar 26 11:41:35 2020 -0400
Merge pull request #1117 from drrtuy/MCOL-3828_1_4
MCOL-3828 This commit replaces the method that calls JOIN::optimise()
engine commit:
MariaDB [mytest]> CREATE TABLE utest1 (ukey INT, c1 TINYINT UNSIGNED, c2 SMALLINT UNSIGNED, c3 INT UNSIGNED, c4 BIGINT UNSIGNED)engine=columnstore;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.179 sec)
MariaDB [mytest]> INSERT INTO utest1 VALUES (3,54,3766,27483646,922336854775806), (4,254,65534,4294967294,1846744073709551614),(5,255,65535,4294967295,18446744073709551615),(6,1255,165535,14294967295,118446744073709551615);
ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'c1' at row 4
MariaDB [mytest]> INSERT INTO utest1 VALUES (3,54,3766,27483646,922336854775806), (4,254,65534,4294967294,1846744073709551614),(5,255,65535,4294967295,18446744073709551615),(6,1255,165535,14294967295,118446744073709551615);
ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'c1' at row 4
MariaDB [mytest]> INSERT INTO utest1 VALUES (3,54,3766,27483646,922336854775806), (4,254,65534,4294967294,1846744073709551614),(5,255,65535,4294967295,18446744073709551615),(6,1255,165535,14294967295,118446744073709551615);
ERROR 1264 (22003): Out of range value for column 'c1' at row 4
MariaDB [mytest]>
The issue was tableValuesMap structure in cal_connection_info was not cleaning up values from a previously failed insert due to a range error in strict mode.
We detect whether we are at the beginning of the insert, and if so, clean up any stored values in the map from a previous insert.