customer feedback
not sure which requirement they are trying to fulfil with that statement.
Steps we took to resolve the issue was to define MYSQL_HOME
$ env | grep MYSQL_HOME
Add a custom cnf file to /home/mysql/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/my.cnf.d and edit /home/mysql/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/my.cnf to add a line with
!includedir /home/mysql/mariadb/columnstore/mysql/my.cnf.d/
so the files there would be read.
After postConfigure is executed and it and the system startup puts all these files in place,
we have to shut down the system and start it again to get all the changes to be active. Otherwise the mysql schema (and any schemas created after that) uses the previous system default character set latin1 instead of the final desired configuration of utf8.
FYI on the 1.2.5 system we just stood up, there is not a columnstore.cnf in the specified location.
$ pwd
$ ls
auth_gssapi.cnf client.cnf enable_encryption.preset mysql-clients.cnf rocksdb.cnf server.cnf tokudb.cnf z-sas.cnf
The last one being our custom file.
toddstoffel In 1.4.0 the columnstore specific settings are stored in /etc/my.cnf.d/columnstore.cnf which is loaded in by my.cnf. Does that fulfil the requirements here?