Status: Closed (View Workflow)
Resolution: Won't Fix
mcs single server; 64G memory; 8CPUs; CentOS7.5
mcsimport load time is significantly slower than cpimport load time
the greater the data volume to be imported the larger the delay in load time of mcsimport tool in comparison to the cpimport load time.
mcsimport was installed and executed locally on MCS in order to compare load time of the mcsimport tool to cpimport load time excluding the network delay
It would be expected not slower load time achieved by the mcsimport tool in comparison to
cpimport run in mode m1.
notes: tables were loaded one by one ;
raw data was stored locally on attached storage;
mcsimport is installed with mariadb-columnstore-api-cpp and mariadb-columnstore-tools packages;
cpimport comes with mariadb-columnstore installation
it's was run cpimport with mode m1;
used scripts:
${PCPIMPORT} -m1 ${LOAD_DB} ${i%.*} insert-data-tables/data/${LOAD_DB}/${i}
${MCSIMPORT} ${LOAD_DB} ${tpc_ds_tbls[i]%.*} insert-data-tables/data/${LOAD_DB}/${tpc_ds_tbls[i]} -d "|" -c ${MCSIMPORTXML}
load time results from loading 1G and 100G data:
Scale Factor | Data Volume | Load Time mcsimport | Load Time cpimport |
1 | 1G | 0 hours 7 minutes 23 seconds | 0 hours 1 minutes 4 seconds |
100 | 100G | 9 hours 5 minutes 16 seconds | 0 hours 31 minutes 47 seconds |
100M data, load times per table:
Table Name | Row Count | Load Time mcsimport [sec] | Load Time cpimport [sec] |
call_center | 30 | 1.56082 | 1.16745 |
catalog_page | 20400 | 1.53188 | 2.49096 |
catalog_returns | 14404374 | 797.426 | 24.0058 |
catalog_sales | 143997065 | 10590.8 | 342.157 |
customer | 2000000 | 111.714 | 17.4019 |
customer_address | 1000000 | 51.4268 | 12.0627 |
customer_demographics | 1920800 | 30.6589 | 3.48936 |
date_dim | 73049 | 7.2738 | 2.84914 |
household_demographics | 7200 | 0.805241 | 0.424782 |
income_band | 20 | 0.36258 | 0.303956 |
inventory | 399330000 | 2162.55 | 581.433 |
item | 204000 | 18.9072 | 7.44638 |
promotion | 1000 | 1.87475 | 2.10844 |
reason | 55 | 0.614517 | 0.674388 |
ship_mode | 20 | 1.06706 | 1.14927 |
store | 402 | 3.91851 | 4.05436 |
store_returns | 28795080 | 1096.54 | 62.0299 |
store_sales | 287997024 | 12569.7 | 637.249 |
time_dim | 86400 | 3.56302 | 2.69203 |
warehouse | 15 | 2.18175 | 2.94752 |
web_page | 2040 | 1.4963 | 2.25162 |
web_returns | 7197670 | 322.083 | 17.4413 |
web_sales | 72001237 | 4934.32 | 174.369 |
web_site | 24 | 3.64008 | 5.64348 |
Note to self: there are several bugs already open for this. I need to consolidate them.